Save Feather's life. Keep her OFF the slaughter truck!
Tax deductible
I'm raising funds for WIN - dba Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang. Chilly Pepper specializes in critical care, starvation cases, wild, domestic horses and burros who need immediate help or are headed to slaughter.
Please help us raise funds to save horses like Feather. She is a 3 year old NV Mustang who is now sitting in a kill pen in TX. She is scheduled to ship to slaughter and no one is stepping up for her.
Chilly Pepper needs your help to save her. She is 3 years old, and her life has been horrible. She is starved. Her halter was left on and grew into her head, leaving her with open wounds from pulling it out of her face. She is miserable from the pain and from starving for quite some time.
We are also raising funds for her care, transportation, and all the other horses that we get the 911 calls for. Once they are saved they need feed, vet care and lots of TLC.
Lauri Elizabeth Armstrong
Golconda, NV
Wild Horses in Need, Inc.