Help Stillwater Medical Center Fight Pandemic
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本城各医疗机构实乃各社区在此紧急状况下最后安危屏障。我等久居此地,覆巢之下,复有完卵?医护工作者奋战一线,护卫病患,直面病毒,风险莫大。但苦于口罩、防护服等抗疫物资极为短缺,Stillwater Medical Center 等竟已被迫紧急求助各界手工缝制应急。
Due to the severe shortage of personal protection equipment (PPE) at Stillwater Medical Center, the Stillwater Chinese Community led by the Oklahoma State University Chinese Faculty and Staff Association and Stillwater Chinese Baptist Church is setting up this fundraiser to encourage donations from the entire Chinese community and beyond to help with the purchase of medical supplies in fighting against the coronavirus outbreak. We all know that medical workers are on the front line of OUR BATTLE against this 'invisible enemy'. With a dramatic increase in the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 nationwide and statewide, the severe shortage of protective gear for our frontline fighters has significantly imperiled their ability to fight coronavirus and put their own lives at risk.
The raised funds will be used to pay for the purchase of PPE for medical professionals at Stillwater Medical Center as well as other medical clinics in the area.
本城各医疗机构实乃各社区在此紧急状况下最后安危屏障。我等久居此地,覆巢之下,复有完卵?医护工作者奋战一线,护卫病患,直面病毒,风险莫大。但苦于口罩、防护服等抗疫物资极为短缺,Stillwater Medical Center 等竟已被迫紧急求助各界手工缝制应急。
Due to the severe shortage of personal protection equipment (PPE) at Stillwater Medical Center, the Stillwater Chinese Community led by the Oklahoma State University Chinese Faculty and Staff Association and Stillwater Chinese Baptist Church is setting up this fundraiser to encourage donations from the entire Chinese community and beyond to help with the purchase of medical supplies in fighting against the coronavirus outbreak. We all know that medical workers are on the front line of OUR BATTLE against this 'invisible enemy'. With a dramatic increase in the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 nationwide and statewide, the severe shortage of protective gear for our frontline fighters has significantly imperiled their ability to fight coronavirus and put their own lives at risk.
The raised funds will be used to pay for the purchase of PPE for medical professionals at Stillwater Medical Center as well as other medical clinics in the area.

Fundraising team: Oklahoma State Univ. CSFA and SCBC (3)
Stillwater Chinese Community .
Stillwater, OK
Stillwater Chinese Baptist Church
Glenn Zhang
Team member
Jessica Li
Team member