Save Historic Thoroughfare Cemeteries
Tax deductible
The coalition to save historic Thoroughfare was created to help preserve the history of the thoroughfare community in Virginia. We are currently facing immediate issues with access to gravesites being blocked by encroaching development. We have been informed that these people who claim that they “own” the gravesites would like to disinter the people that have been buried on the property since the 1800s and move them to another location because they are in the way of economic development. We believe that this historic town which was founded immediately after slavery by newly freed African Americans, indigenous and multi-racial people should be preserved and that their remains should stay exactly where they placed them almost 150 years ago. These people worked hard to create a thriving self sufficient community and it is our responsibility to show our appreciation for their efforts and hard work by preserving this beautiful area.
Dominique Thomas
Beverley Mill, VA
Oakrum Baptist Church