Save Little City Dogs
The website is closed right now, because the FDA does not want us to sell our products.
In 2014, our lawyer made a deal with them. The FDA told us that we could not "make claims" meaning, we could not say for example, our Flea Killer kills fleas It wasn't easy, but we managed to set up our entire website with such careful language that none of it actually says that any of our products kills fleas, ticks, worms or heartworm and that deal held firm for SEVEN YEARS... from 2014 until now.
On 5/6/21, the FDA came to our NYC lab and took EVERYTHING... packaged products, capsule makers, the machine that seals our pillboxes to its printed card... and our entire supply of those cards, our blender, computer, labels, empty syringes, blank timesheets, cornmeal, empty capsules, hand sanitizer, empty bottles with no labels on them, and bottle caps... in all... a three-paged single-spaced list of everything from soup to nuts.
They even confiscated the artwork off the walls.
We know that we make a great product and that you rely on us and want us back. We have had so much concerned buyer mail since we hung that mysterious sign on our home page that reads:
"Sorry... we're temporarily closed, but we'll be back soon."
We have been unsure how to break it to you all and/or how to ask you to help, but we're starting this GoFundMe appeal and planning an interim product line to keep us on our feet until we get a decision as to whether we can continue selling these products.
We need legal fees to fight this fight, but with our only means of earning money cut out from under us, we will have to rely on savings, which just took a BIG hit when we paid taxes. It will be a struggle to keep the lab, a struggle to even keep the LCD family in their homes.
We hope that this "Go Fund Me" will keep us going and pay our legal fees and if anything is left over, we'll use that to get our products FDA approved.
That is something we already tried, but we're convinced that the FDA threw up roadblocks to stop us in order to protect the national brands from our renegade low cost products.
We have made a great many friends over the years especially among the people often spending out of pocket to rescue un-homed dogs and cats. We have been a lifeline to them as they just cannot treat their many animals with the national brands which are OVERPRICED to reflect a THOUSANDS OF PERCENTS markup. Their caring emails are keeping us hanging on. They're volunteering to help us in any way possible from making donations to testifying for us as expert witnesses.
It's just not right for our government to fight so hard for BIG PHARMA and force regular folks to pinch pennies in order to afford their overpriced pet products.
Please donate and keep us going. Helping us helps the rescues and will keep the prices of these pet products down for you too.
Thanks for supporting Little City Dogs® and...
Good health to you and your pets!