Save Small Local Business: Cafe Zella
As everyone knows, the restaurant industry has been hit with extreme hardship and uncertainty during the time of coronavirus. Prior to the pandemic, Cafe Zella was a favorite, local, spot filled with worker bees having coffee, senior citizens eating brunch, teens getting their boba fix, moms with their babies, UCLA Medical staff gathering on break - even dogs came by! Unfortunately, due to Covid19, business has slowed down immensely. The owners of Cafe Zella, Nina and Allen, are now in crisis mode. As a long time Santa Monica resident, I recognize the impact this small business has made on our community and hope we can come together to preserve this vital part of our neighborhood.(pre-covid19 photo)
Nina is the embodiment of resilience. Her family immigrated from Cambodia when she was a child and they lived in multiple refugee camps before settling in SoCal. Her extended family was in the restaurant business and this is where she learned about the industry. She acquired her first restaurant in 1991, and has never wavered in her dedication to high standards and good food. She took over Café Zella in 2008. As she puts it, "Over the years I’ve learned the importance of patience, providing good customer service, and having a loyal, competent staff.”
Covid19 has brought huge challenges to Café Zella. The elimination of indoor and outdoor dining, combined with high fixed costs (rent, electricity, etc.) plus keeping staff on payroll, has forced Nina to come up with creative ways to keep the cafe afloat. Last summer, she even started a taco stand in the parking lot on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. This means she works from 6am to 11pm on those days! Now, with further Covid19 restrictions and a landlord that keeps raising the rent, she's facing the harsh reality that Café Zella may need to shut down forever.Over the past 12 years, Café Zella has become a Santa Monica staple. It's one of the few restaurants open daily - including Sundays. Nina has put everything she has into this cafe to make it a safe, welcoming place. She has a huge heart and has kept ALL of her staff on payroll, despite the extended business slowing down due to Covid19. She and Allen have sacrificed their own income from the cafe, so they can continue paying those that are the most vulnerable - their employees.
Please help save Café Zella for our neighborhood. All donations will go directly towards the rent. If you'd like to get takeout or just say hello, they're at 1531 Wilshire Blvd. (16th and Wilshire) catty corner from the new Target. Thank you in advance for your support and pls. share, share, share, this link!