The Mikey’s Community Must Not Die!
Hello. You can help save Mikey’s by participating in this fundraiser. As many of you have heard from posts on my social media, our beloved Mikey’s is being displaced in the VERY near future. I have pledged to make every effort to relocate as quickly as possible. I hope to provide stability for my staff members, as well as all of the musicians who count on our live performance venue, and to the future of the greater music community in Calgary. But moving into a new location will cost money. More money than I can quickly provide myself. That’s where I hope our passionate music community can help out. Since 2007 when I first opened Mikey’s Juke Joint, we have forged so many friendships and delivered so much magical music to this amazing community. We can not just let this disappear folks! That’s why I have set up this ‘Go Fund Me’ opportunity. It’s one way we can raise the funds we need. Please donate what you can so that Mikey’s can make a timely move to an amazing new location. Got an extra $100 to throw into the hat? That would be so awesome. But know that whatever you might be able to afford would be put to good use and would be much appreciated! Many Thanks, Mike Clark June 2024