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Hello, My name is Alana, I am from New York. I am creating this account for Mohammed Mounir Albordani, please read his story below. Anything you can give to support Mohammed and his family is appreciated, thank you. I am Mohammed Mounir Albordani, from Gaza, I am 33 years old , I have three little kids , Mounir 8 years old, Mariam 5 years old and Abedalrahman 3 years old. We are like others in Gaza , we have lost everything we have, we have lost our life, our dreams and our future too . We don't imagine that one day we will live in a tent and be deprived of our human rights.. How can a family live without shelter, food, clean water, medicine, medical care? Without clothes, without blankets and in danger too , any moment you will die, Please for all if you , Donate to change my life for better . Any amount could help us to survive, so please donate even 5$ and share ‼️


Alana Edwards
Rochester, NY

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