Save Mr. Meow Meow Face
My dear Mr. Meow Meow Face is currently in the hospital with a partially blocked urinary tract. Doctors said it was great that I caught it as soon as I did because this condition can absolutely be fatal in male cats.
Treatment involves blood work, stabilization, anesthesia , draining the bladder, inserting a catheter into the bladder and flushing it out/removing the plug. It’s a lot!
Myself and Mr. Meow’s brother (Sugar Face) are home now but worried sick. And along with the emotional toll, we were faced with the sticker shock of how much saving Mr. Meow would really cost. It’s a terrible position to be put in...pay $3,500+ or your cat will die. ☹️
Click here for more photos of The boys, collectively known as The Face Brothers.
The Face Brothers Instagram
More About Mr. Meow Meow Face
Mr. Meow will be 6 years old in April of 2021. He was rescued as a kitten and has been a grateful and loving member of my home ever since. Mr. Meow loves chasing red dots, playing with his brother and above all else SNUGGLING. No matter if you’re on an important Zoom call or relaxing in the tub, Mr. Meow wants to be involved. He’s a very friendly boy that loves to say hello to new friends and old friends alike.
On behalf of Mr. Meow Meow Face, Sugar Face and myself, thank you for your contributions. Every teeny bit helps. ❤️