Save the NMRG
Tax deductible
We are a group of Special Forces veterans providing directed aid towards a very specific group of people that we served with in Afghanistan. Team 11 , a group of counter-IED specialists belonging to the National Mine Reduction Group (NMRG) were not fortunate enough to have escaped Afghanistan during the humanitarian airlifts in August 2021, and because of their affiliation with US Special Forces, they are actively hunted. The danger is further heightened by the fact that they are Hazara; an ethnic minority that has endured extensive persecution at the hands of the Taliban.
What separates this non-profit from others is the specific scope of this effort; we know the names and faces of who is to receive the aid, and any donations are not just disappearing into the ether- if you view our website at https://www.saveteam11.org/ you will see we provide feedback to our donors and broadcast our successes.
Our initial goal of $25,000 was intended to ensure their survival through the Afghan winter; It was based off the assessment of the former leader of Team 11 (currently sheltering in Kabul), who estimated that it would require $5,000 per month to sustain the roughly 100 people who make up Team 11 and their family, while also accounting for the gradual purchasing of Tazkiras (The Afghan National ID card) and passports required for immigration
Our goal has increased to $50,000 recently, and is likely to continue to increase. This is because the scope of our program has expanded. We have now taken on NMRG from multiple teams and one day hope to provide for all former members of the program
We are not restricted solely to fundraising; please sign and share our petition to Representatives Waltz Meijer and Moulton.
1208 Foundation