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Help Save O'Hara, the Guide Dog's Life

Spende geschützt
* Please read the update on O'Hara dated July 28. In light of this info I am increasing the goal. O'Hara has been admitted back into full hospitalization. She had been in a medical boarding status for a few days but now requires full care again. O'Hara will remain in the hospital until her neurologists deem her ready to be released.

Hi, my name is Emily. I am O'Hara the guide dog's fairy godmother. O'Hara has been critically ill for over a week and has been in the ICU for the past 7 days. Initially O'Hara was taken by the program that trained her to be treated by their veterinary services. Once she arrived it was obvious to them that she needed more than they could offer so she was transferred to a specialized veterinary hospital that could provide the nerological care she required. O'Hara was diagnosed with meningitis encephalitis and it was noted that she had brain lesions that are believed to be inflammatory. The program that trained her was generous enough to pay for all costs up until discharge yesterday. When she arrived back to the facility it was determined that they could not pay for the long haul treatment that O'Hara will need because they are a non-profit organization. Bella was given the choice to have O'Hara euthanized at no cost or to take over all expenses for her care. When Bella spoke to the head of neurology he was surprised to hear that there was even mention of euthanasia. He did not believe that that was appropriate so Bella made the decision to take over all expenses. O'Hara is currently back in the ICU for an unknown amount of time. Her neurologist reports that she is responding to treatment, although at a slow pace, and he is happy with her progress. He thinks that over time she can recover. This could be up to six months. Bella has had to travel from Boston to New York to be by O'Hara's side during her illness. She will stay near O'Hara until she is stable enough to travel back to Boston. As you can imagine this is a very costly time for Bella. Between the veterinary care, lodging and local travel to and from the hospital it is adding up quickly. O'Hara is going to be at the hospital for at least another 6 days and at that time she will be reassessed. Please help me ease Bella's mind so she can give her full attention to O'Hara without having to worry about going in to insurmountable debt.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

e stclaire
Boston, MA
Isabella Scott

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