The Preparedness Project 2018
Donation protected
Without doubt we have serious threats to our future well being, both short and long term. We can prepare for most of these threats but I have found no evidence of sufficient preparation.
For example. The most immediate threat to our future is global warming in the form of climate change. Climate change (unchecked) will bring droughts and food producing areas of the world are not immune to this consequence. Drought in major food producing areas would mean disruptions in the food supplies. Where are the appropriate preparations for this?
Naomi Kline in her 2013 book "This Changes Every Thing " gives us the solution for stopping climate change. Her prescription is to cease the use of fossil fuels.
Then, on Oct. 8, 2018, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change verified what Kline has been saying. They state that Humans have only 12 years to limit climate disaster. They go on to say that current trends point to the distinct possibility that we cannot make the needed adjustments in time.
The problem is we do not have the leadership nor the collective will to stop using fossil fuels. This means we are staring the consequences of climate change right in the eyes. So what should we do? The only logical answer is "we must start now preparing for the major changes to come."
One of the parts of this plan of preparation is the building of a large enough group that would lobby government to sponsor research in ways to survive the kind of changed environments that we, our children and our children's children may have to deal with. This same group would serve as a think tank producing ideas for dealing with the coming changes.
Unfortunately climate change is not the only threat that we are facing. In posts you can follow on the Go Fund Me URL below you will find information on those other perils. However, most pressing for us at this time is this issue of climate change and its consequences.
I believe it is urgent that we take action. I believe we have a unique time in history to take the initiative and begin preparation for the uncertainties that we face. In fact Future generations, affected as they will be, may judge us by what we do now.
Taking action, is as simple as what follows. You should consider reading the book "This Changes Everything" by Naomi Kline and spread the word about her message. Also without hesitation, Join and support an Environmental group. Do every thing possible to halt climate change. And last but not least plug into this project and learn about it. Look at this project as a kind of insurance policy. (See the face book group below)
Of course any project encounters costs. This project is no exception with its need for promotion and web site development. Please show your support by donating $10.00 or $20.00 or more to the Go Fund Me site. I extend my greatest appreciation to those who will help out in this way.
Another very important part of this project is to share the postings here with your face book and email contacts. "Likes" on Facebook tell me you support this project and "Sharing" on Facebook is how the message will spread. Thank you in advance.
G. Jollymore
on face book see "The Preparedness Project Group" also see below
Garry Jollymore
Halifax, NS