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Save Prof. Peng & Taiwan支援彭文正教授討伐世紀大騙子蔡英文

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Please support Prof. Peng against Dictator Ing-wen Tsai's Thesis Gate and Election Gate.
Prof. Dennis Weng Jeng Peng, a Ph.D. from UW-Madison, the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, served as director of the Multimedia Production Center and the Institute of Journalism at National Taiwan University in 2006.
In 2019 Taiwan president Ing-wen Tsai made an exaggerated statement that due to her excellent achievement in international trade, she was awarded 1.5 Ph.D. degrees from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) at 27. This statement attracted the attention of some scholars and reporters to read her doctoral thesis, only to discover the biggest academic fraud of the century.
Prof. Peng was the one who visited the University of London and LSE to find out the truth. After speaking with school administrators, Prof. Peng was informed that Tsai never submitted her thesis in 1983 or 1984.
Because of Prof. Peng’s investigation, Tsai filed a criminal defamation lawsuit against him to cover her Ph.D. fraud before 2020’s presidential election. Upon taking legal action, Tsai suppressed all her questionable doctoral records at the highest level of classified information. Access to these documents is restricted until the end of 2049.
To counterattack Tsai's abuse of freedom of the press and speech, on May 1, 2019, Prof. Peng has been hosting a daily one-hour “The True Voice of Taiwan” on YouTube to lay bare the facts to the public.
Fraudster Ing-wen Tsai becoming a dictatorial leader and ending Taiwan’s democracy –
Using a fraudulent LSE Ph.D. certificate, Tsai began her ambition from a university faculty to a government official and then the Taiwan President.
In 2004, Tsai joined the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) by being offered one guaranteed seat of a legislator. In 2008, DPP was defeated in the presidential election and legislators’ election. Tsai’s father financially supported DPP when the party's momentum was low. Tsai then became the chair of DPP.
In 2014, the "Cross-Strait Service and Trade Agreement" was negotiated between China and Taiwan. The agreement was not well-received by the Taiwanese and led to the Sunflower Student Movement, making Taiwan citizens seek changes in government. In May 2016, Tsai became the first female president in Taiwan, and her political party DPP won the majority of seats in the Legislative Assembly. Tsai and DPP’s 2016 victory soon led Taiwan to a corrupted and totalitarian state.
Tsai's covering up PhD fraud - Taiwan Research Programme in LSE
In 2007 when Tsai was vice-premier, an anonymous donation of £480,000 to LSE was assigned to Shih Fang-lung to sponsor the Taiwan Research Program with LSE. Shih, who claimed to hold two doctorates from LSE, was Tsai's close friend. Shih has falsely represented LSE by posting a false post to congratulate "Dr" Tsai on her presidency on the LSE's website. Tsai's presidential office used this post as evidence to mislead the media that Tsai was a PhD graduate from LSE.
Tsai's Electoral Fraud and Violation of Voting Rights –
In February 2019, Tsai demanded DPP conduct fake polls by her designated polling companies, which showed that she won then-premier Lai Chin-te to represent DPP for her re-election in January 2020.
March 2019, Tsai nominated then-judge Lee Chin-yung (Lee) as chairperson of the Central Election Commission (CEC). As Lee is a long-time DPP committee council, his appointment helped Tsai conduct a rigged election as Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro. January 2020, CEC announced Tsai received a historic record high of 8,170,231 votes in presidential election and DPP won the seat majority of legislators.
Evidence of election fraud was disclosed. I-Cheng Hsieh, a military instructor and a Computer Science PhD in North America posted their one-year investigation and discovered the number of ballots had been set: Tsai’s increased in an arranged 399482 ballots KMT’s presidential candidate Daniel Han’s ballots in 213438 from the very beginning. Furthermore, Han’s ballots numbered 0.71 million at 16:31:30, but the next second changed to 0.42 million ballots, i.e., minus 0.29 million ballots in one second. The votes of the three candidates were set to 59.9% for Tsai, 32.0% for Han, and 7.9% for Soong, and the number of votes at multiple polling stations was different from the one announced by CEC. Therefore, what happened in Taiwan in January 2020 was just a fraud, not an actual election.
Democratic election in Taiwan is non-existent -
On June 6, 2020, CEC conducted a fraudulent recall election to remove Kaohsiung Mayor Daniel Han, also KMT's 2020 presidential candidate. 969,259 voters and 939,090 ballot voters agreed to recall Mayor Han. However, there were 1823 voting stations with 8 hours for voting, which means every voter had only one minute without interruption to complete a lengthy voting process, an impossible thing to do. Tsai’s control of CEC made all Taiwan elections rigged elections.
Tsai's Violation of the Freedom of Press -
Tsai uses taxpayers' money to bribe and control the media so that nothing negative about her would be aired. The only exception is CTiTV news because the owner was ranked as the wealthiest person in Taiwan, which allowed him to fight against Tsai. Unfortunately, CTiTV news was shut down by Taiwan National Communications Commission (NCC) in Nov. 2020. After its news channel was shut down, CTiTV moved to Youtube, and very soon, over 2.7 million of the Taiwan population downloaded its app with Youtube.
On December 28, 2021, Tsai’s Legislative Assembly passed amending articles in the Organic Law of the National Communications Commission. NCC, a government authority with all commissioners appointed by Tsai’s administration, can ban internet content. Tsai wholly violates Taiwan’s freedom of the press.
Tsai’s abuse of freedom of speech –
On December 29, 2019, Tsai’s administration passed the Anti-Infiltration Act. The said Act and the existing Social Order Maintenance Act allow Tsai's administration to impose high fines or 5 years of imprisonment prosecution against those who cast Tsai or her administration in a negative light. Moreover, police can harass victims and arrest them on charges of a criminal offense without requiring a warrant.
For example, a female dance instructor walking on the road and a passenger criticizing Tsai’s administration were slammed and arrested by the police. People of Taiwan live in fear and are afraid of being inexplicably convicted at any time.
Tsai's being a make-believe anti-communist –
To Tsai and her administration, corruption and fraud are not crimes, but those whose voices are different from Tsai would be identified as Red Communists. Tsai is a double-sided dealer who pretends to be against communist China, but never clarifies that her mother went to China for an organ transplant. Under Tsai’s administration, over 70% of Taiwan’s public traded companies invest in China and accept that Taiwan is a province of China.
Fake doctor putting real doctor on wanted list–
One day before April Fool’s Day in 2021, Prof. Peng received two contradictory rulings from Taipei Prefectural Procuratorate. Prosecutor Huang Wei pronounced both prosecution and non-indictment regarding Prof. Peng’s criminal aggravated defamation against Tsai at the same time. The judgment states Prof. Peng deliberately slandered Tsai because Tsai shut down his political talk show. Moreover, Prosecutor Huang Wei rejects Prof. Peng’s investigation evidence but accepts all Tsai’s faxed, photocopied questionable documents and correspondences to convict Prof. Peng.
Prosecutor Huang Wei refused to clarify which ruling was false. In addition, Prof. Peng’s counterclaim of Tsai’s false accusations has never been proceeded to judges according to Peng’s attorneys’ request.
Public Prosecutor Liu Cheng Wu defends Tsai’s PhD fraud by further prosecuting Prof. Peng. Prof. Peng is summoned to court again on October 20, 2021. Because Prof. Peng was tour speaking in the U.S., exposing Tsai’s abuse of power and growing totalitarianism in Taiwan and calling on human rights activists to protect the democracy and freedom of 23 million people in Taiwan. Peng’s attorneys, Zhang Jing, and Li Chen Hua, filed a petition to request that the Judge allow Prof. Peng access to virtual court for the upcoming trial; unfortunately, Public Prosecutor Liu Cheng Wu and Judge Yau, Nian-tse rejected it and pronounced that Prof. Peng is WANTED due to his absence in court even though Prof. Peng has retained two lawyers present.
We urge the world not to validate Tsai’s 2020 electoral fraud —
Taiwan’s 2020 presidential and legislators’ election was undemocratic and fraudulent, the same as the Maduro regime.
On December 7, 2020, former U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo condemned Venezuela’s December 6, 2020, congressional election as a fraud. Pompeo claimed that “Venezuela's electoral fraud had already been committed. The results announced by the illegitimate Nicolás Maduro regime do not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people. What's happening today is a fraud, not an election. The main opposition coalition is boycotting the election on the grounds that the elections council has historically favored the ruling Socialist Party.”
On December 9, 2020, 21 countries in the Organization of American States (including the United States and Canada) approved OAS Resolution Condemns the Fraudulent Elections in Venezuela. Its resolves include 1) To reject the fraudulent elections held in Venezuela on December 6, 2020, and to not recognize its results, for being neither free nor fair in accordance with the conditions established in international law; for lacking impartiality and transparency; for not having had the participation of all political actors and citizens; for the lack of independence of the electoral authority; and for not having an independent and credible international electoral observation. 2) To condemn in the strongest terms the consistent and deliberate strategy of the illegitimate regime of Nicolás Maduro to undermine the democratic system and the separation of powers, including through the installation of a non-democratically elected entity as a result of the fraudulent elections of December 6, consolidating Venezuela as a dictatorship.
Permanent Council of the Organization of American States’ website states,“ We have just approved a strong resolution, and with this resolution, the OAS joins the Lima Group, the European Union, the International Contact Group, and over 50 countries worldwide to reject this election farce. Today we have been called upon to take a stand for democracy, and we have done so.”
Tsai’s retaining power is through deceptive election practices performed by an election administrator as Maduro regime. We urge all democratic countries not to validate Tsai’s 2020 electoral fraud, which consolidates Taiwan as a dictatorship.
Fundraising to save Prof. Peng and Taiwan
Prof. Peng, like “Maria Ressa” and “Dmitry Muratov”, has been a courageous fighter for democracy and freedom and is facing numerous legal actions against LSE-Tsai’s scandal in the UK, the same as the LSE–Gaddafi affair and Judicial persecution on Tsai's thesis gate and election gate in Taiwan. The Overseas Taiwanese Society initiates this fundraising to support Prof. Peng’s legal battle against Tsai to protect the human rights of 23 million people and Judicial Reform in Taiwan.
Your support is highly appreciated. The Overseas Taiwanese Society will match, dollar for dollar, the full amount donated to Prof. Peng.
2019年蔡英文吹噓“因在國際貿易領域的傑出成就,她於27歲獲得英國倫敦政經學院(LSE)1.5個博士學位”,引起學者們想要閱讀她的博士論文,卻遍尋不得。彭教授於是親自到倫敦大學和倫敦政經學院調查真相。在與學校管理人員交談後,彭教授被告知蔡英文在 1983 年或 1984 年,從未提交過博士論文。
由於彭教授的調查,蔡英文對他提起刑事誹謗訴訟,以掩蓋她是假博士的真相。 在採取法律行動後,蔡英文將她假博士的相關資料列為最高機密,封存到 2049 年底。為揭露蔡英文的博士學位詐騙行為,彭教授從2019年5月1日起,在YouTube主持每日一小時的“政經關不了”,舉證說明蔡英文自1983年開始的行騙過程。
2004年,蔡英文加入民進黨,獲得不須選舉的立委席位。 2008年,民進黨在總統選舉和立委選舉中落敗。蔡英文的父親在民進黨聲勢低迷時,在財務上給予支持。蔡英文隨而當選民進黨主席。
2014年,大陸與台灣就《海峽兩岸服務貿易協定》進行談判。該協定遭到部分大學生質疑,發起太陽花學運,癱瘓立法院,令台灣民眾尋求政府更迭。 2016年5月,蔡英文成為台灣首位女總統,民進黨獲得立法院多數席位。完全執政的蔡英文,很快將台灣導入了史上最腐敗、最極權的專制政府。
2020年 1 月,蔡英文師法委內瑞拉馬杜羅的2018年總統選舉舞弊。蔡英文任命效忠於她的民進黨核心委員李進勇為中央選舉委員會主委,並重組一個完全聽命李進勇的選舉委員會。在主導了一場違反國際法與聯合國自由民主國家選舉規定的不公正、不透明選舉後,中選會宣布蔡英文獲得創歷史紀錄的8,170,231萬票、民進黨贏得立委多數席位。然而,選舉舞弊的證據陸續被揭發、被公布在社交媒體上。北美的電腦博士與台灣謝鎰承等人,通過一年的調查後,發現蔡英文從初始就被設定增加399,482張選票15次,而國民黨總統候選人韓國瑜則是增加213,438張選票。 此外,韓的選票在16:31:30時為71萬張,但下一秒就變成了42萬張,即一秒鐘減少29萬張選票。
蔡英文用納稅人的錢,賄賂和控制媒體,散佈利她的假消息,並且不讓任何關於她的負面新聞被播出。 唯一的例外是中天新聞。 不幸的是,中天新聞頻道在 2020 年 11 月被蔡政府的台灣國家通信委員會(NCC)關閉。中天新聞於是轉移到 Youtube,並迅速達到 270 萬人下載了它的應用程序。
2021年12月28日,蔡英文操控的立法院通過修改《國家通信委員會組織法》條款。 由蔡政府任命所有委員的NCC,將箝制新聞自由的手伸進互聯網。 蔡英文將新聞自由迫壞殆盡,達到她愚民的目的。
2019年12月29日,蔡政府通過了《反滲透法》。《反滲透法》和已實施的《社會秩序維護法》允許蔡政府對異議人士處以高額罰款或 5 年監禁。 此外,警察可以騷擾人民並以刑事罪名逮捕他們,而無需逮捕令。連走在馬路上的女性舞導老師、在車廂批評蔡政府的乘客,竟然被警察過肩摔和逮捕,台灣善良人民生活在恐懼中,害怕隨時被莫名入罪。
對蔡英文和她的專制政府,貪汙腐敗和欺詐不是犯罪,但與蔡英文持不同意見的人,卻會被貼上中共同路人的標籤。 蔡英文事實上是假裝仇中反共的雙面販子,比如蔡英文從未澄清她的母親去中國換器官的傳聞。 在蔡英文執政下,中、台貿易迭創新高,而且台灣超過70%的上市公司皆在中國有投資,並配合中國政府的體系,接受台灣是中國的一個省。
2021年愚人節前一天,彭文正教授收到台北地檢處兩份相互矛盾的判決書。 黃偉檢察官對假博士蔡英文提告真博士彭文正教授的誹謗案件,同時宣布起訴和不起訴彭教授。 黃偉拒絕彭教授辛苦調查的所有證據,但接受蔡英文的傳真、影印,不具備證據力的可疑偽造文件,將彭教授定罪。
2021年10月, 檢察官劉承武和法官姚念慈以彭教授缺席準備庭為由,對在美國的彭教授發布通緝令,儘管彭教授聘請的張靜律師和李振華律師已經代他出庭,但彭教授仍然被通緝。而且,劉承武和姚念慈對於黃偉同時間做出的不起訴判決書與及彭教授反訴蔡英文誣告的告訴狀,竟然視若無睹,當作並不存在。
2018年5月20日,委內瑞拉的馬杜羅在競選連任時,通過忠於他的選舉委員會操縱程序,以恫嚇和其他非民主伎倆,赤裸裸地給選舉造假,讓選舉結果對自己有利 。蔡英文和民進黨在2020年1月的大選,使用了和馬杜完全相同的伎倆。
馬杜羅宣布勝選後,美國、加拿大主導的美洲國家組織與利馬集團多邊組織、歐盟、國際聯絡小組以及全球 50 多個國家,共同反對馬杜羅的選舉舞弊,譴責委內瑞拉的總統選舉是“對民主的侮辱” 並發表聲明: 我們需要委內瑞拉人民來管理這個國家。
2020年12月7日美國前國務卿龐培歐譴責委內瑞拉2020年12月6日國會選舉是場舞弊騙局,龐培歐說道: “美國與全球各地眾多民主國家,一起譴責馬杜羅的選舉把戲,它不具有最低標準的可信度”。美國白宮國家安全委員會也表示,委內瑞拉舉行的選舉是欺詐。美國司法部並且起訴以舞弊手段當選總統的馬杜羅,懸賞1500萬美元緝拿他。
2020年12月9日 美洲國家組織中的21個國家 (含美國與加拿大)簽屬共同決議,其決議包括: 1. 拒絕2020年12月6日在委內瑞拉舉行的欺詐性選舉,不承認其結果,因為該選舉: 違反國際法規定,既不自由也不公平; 缺乏公正性和透明度; 沒有其他政黨代表和公民的參與; 選舉當局缺乏中立性; 以及沒有獨立和可信的國際選舉觀察。 2. 強烈譴責馬杜羅的非法政權和他的蓄意破壞民主制度,包括他通過選舉欺詐而設立的非民主政府。
我們籲請所有民主國家,以相同的標準,譴責台灣2020年1月的總統與立法委員選舉,拒絕承認台灣的選舉舞弊結果,並且通緝“台灣的馬杜羅: 蔡英文”與終結台灣民主選舉的“終選會主委”李進勇。
彭教授和2021諾貝爾和平獎得主瑪麗亞•雷薩和德米特里•穆拉托夫一樣 ,不畏懼獨裁強權,在英國提起倫敦政經學院掩護蔡英文學術詐欺的法律訴訟,在台灣面對蔡英文假博士論文門和選舉作票門的司法和政治迫害。北美台僑會因此發起募款活動,支援彭教授在英國及台灣的訴訟費。所有收到的款項將全部轉交給彭教授,我們將匹配等額的募款給彭教授。


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Shang Chen
New York, NY

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