Donate to the Legal Fund to Save Sherwood Forest!
Tax deductible
Help us save Sherwood Forest by contributing to the legal fund of Mason County Climate Justice!
On April 4, 2023, WA State DNR's Board of Natural Resources (BNR) voted to clearcut 154 acres of Sherwood Forest in what they are calling the "Sure Wood Timber Sale." BNR approved the destruction of this forest despite overwhelming community opposition.
Sherwood Forest is a 100-year-old legacy forest in traditional Squaxin territory located between LakeLand Village and Trails End Lake in Allyn, WA. Legacy forests are the old growth of tomorrow. Legacy forests like Sherwood Forest are structurally complex, biodiverse, second growth forests that provide irreplaceable benefits for people, wildlife, ecosystems, and climate stability.
To protect Sherwood Forest now and for future generations, we need to appeal the sale in court. Fortunately, we have a generous and skilled lawyer willing to work completely pro-bono for us! However, we still have many court fees to pay.
Your donation will support these court fees:
- $240 filing fee
- $400 bond ($200 for Mason County Climate Justice and $200 for co-plaintiff Legacy Forest Defense Coalition)
- $2000+ court record fees
- $15,000+ bond for an injunction to stop any logging of Sherwood Forest until the the case is decided
- 5% fiscal sponsorship fee
Any extra funds raised will be used towards protecting Sherwood Forest and other legacy forests in the area.
Mason County Climate Justice (MCCJ) is a local nonprofit collective made up of mostly volunteers. We envision and co-create local climate solutions to regenerate healthy ecosystems, benefit everyone in our rural community, and align with climate justice movements around the world.
MCCJ is a fiscally sponsored project of Northwest Alliance for Alternative Media and Education (NAAME), an IRC 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your tax-deductible donations will be received by NAAME and distributed to MCCJ.
In addition to donating online, you can also mail a check. Make your check out to "NAAME" and write "Mason County Climate Justice" in the memo. Mail to:
1215 Marion St NE
Olympia, WA 98506
Follow us on Instagram at @masoncountyclimatejustice
Mason County Climate Justice
Allyn, WA
Northwest Alliance for Alternative Media and Education