Snoqualmie Community Action Network
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Snoqualmie Community Action Network.
You can help! Any donation is immensely helpful! Snoqualmie Community Action Network is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit in the State of Washington. Our mission is to provide education and advocacy focused on creating a community-driven future for the Snoqualmie Valley. We represent all demographics and value the diversity in our community. Our vision is to provide education and information to enhance civic engagement to promote and support efforts to respect, protect and preserve the environment. We aim to present to the public issues affecting our communities and provide citizens with the information needed to address these issues. This we do through extensive research to provide information based on facts and findings, present free workshops, and training and engagement opportunities to the public. SCAN outlines methods of engagement possible, in the quest of creating a citizen-driven future for the Snoqualmie Valley. SCAN has recently teamed up with the ORCA Conservancy in a water temperature testing project of the Snoqualmie River and contributing waterways, the results producing factual information instrumental in the protection of clean and healthy waterways. SCAN also hosts events to aid in fostering safe communities, including Take Back The Night walks, self-defense classes for women/non-binary, and trash and recycle pick-up events. SCAN works for the protection and preservation of the Snoqualmie Valley and the healthy living of all who call it home.
We currently manage a website to spread awareness with factual, scientific and historical information regarding the potential environmental risks posed by the Snoqualmie Mill Site development project. SCAN’s primary objective is to provide a platform of advocacy for the environmental concerns we see as being threatened and underrepresented in our City’s political processes.
Ways to help—donate, share this campaign, donate for our next online auction! Our goal is to protect the health of the Snoqualmie River and subsequent waterways to the Salish Sea and preserve the beauty and brilliance of the place in which we live! Please join us by donating, sharing this campaign and emailing us at snoqualmie action at We are registered with Benevity for corporate matching; check with your employer to double your generous donation! Funds will be used for legal/professional services. Your donation is tax-deductible. SCAN is a 501C3. This fundraiser replaces our earlier Gofundme campaign, which was required due to a change in the Gofundme platform. SCAN had received $3,435 from the previous campaign before the venue change.
For more information, visit our website:
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Photography compliments of Bruce Stewart
Snoqualmie Community Action Network