Save THE EDGE Magazine!
Donation protected
UPDATED 10/2/22
Hi there,
Hi there,
This is The Edge Editor here.
Bugger, I never thought it would come to this, but it seems like it has!
OK, so in order for The Edge to continue as a FREE monthly publication (available in and around Chelmsford) over the course of the next couple of years (then I'll retire, honest I will), it seems as though I need to look at a whole new way of funding the damn thing, as I can no longer seem to rely on sufficient income generated from my advertisers.
So, thought I, what about getting you readers (some of whom apparently "Love The Edge" - or so you tell me) to put your hands in your pockets (for the very first time in 25 years, it has to be said) to help keep the good ship HMS EDGEMAG afloat?
I'm thinking along the lines of, shall we say, £1 per issue (does that sound fair enough?).
Actually, I think I've just set up a Paypal account precisely for such smaller denominations (search for my Edge email address - shown on front cover, bottom-right of mag every month) via Paypal - as for some unknown reason it's NOT letting me publish the address here - and look for the Uncle Fester pic, because even if the account's temporarily in my wife's name (by mistake), if you see Uncle Fester then you'll instinctively know you're in the right place!
Actually, I think I've just set up a Paypal account precisely for such smaller denominations (search for my Edge email address - shown on front cover, bottom-right of mag every month) via Paypal - as for some unknown reason it's NOT letting me publish the address here - and look for the Uncle Fester pic, because even if the account's temporarily in my wife's name (by mistake), if you see Uncle Fester then you'll instinctively know you're in the right place!
Because remember, each one of you owes me £299 (£1 per issue) for the editions you've already had to date!
Which is where this whole 'Crowd Funding' idea has come from, as it is most definitely a worthy cause, right? "I SAID: RIGHT???"
So how about it?
Are you up for it?
Because if you aren't, then there will be no further EDGE mags in Chelmsford at all....and wouldn't that be a crying shame?
Yours Desperate-Danly,
The EDGE Editor
P.S. Aiming for £48,000 was a mistake, even though that works out at '2 bags-of-sand' per month/edition (in order to merely help towards costs, not cover them) for the next 24 editions, to take us through to issue no: 324 in March of 2024. So instead, I guess I'll simply have to be patient and take matters on a month-by-month basis.
Shaun Edge