Save the Forty of Gulf Livestock 1
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Due to ongoing support, recent search & rescue operations have been showing lots of promise.
These findings (location & photos) can be found here .
The findings leave friends and families of the remaining crew extremely hopeful that more signs of the Gulf Livestock 1 and the whereabouts of it’s missing crew can be found.
Any further donations managed will be going directly to SAR aircraft to search the remaining Tokara Island group and the islands south of Amami. If we receive further funds we would like to start searching the Izu Island group, south of Tokyo. All of which feature as possibilities by our marine experts & drift maps.
The family & friends of the remaining Gulf Livestock 1 crew thank you for your ongoing support.
Save the Forty of Gulf Livestock 1
Hi, we are the Australian & New Zealand family & friends of the remaining 40 missing crew of the Gulf Livestock 1. We're desperately asking for your help to find our boys and #bringthemhome. Funds raised will go towards private chartered aviation & vessels to search for the crew, their life rafts and any near by islands. We have identified 3 different companies to collaborate with who will work together to continue the search & rescue with continual flight time.
We are working with friends and family of the remaining Australian & New Zealand crew to fund the SAR operations. These funds raised will go solely to the Search & Rescue efforts and with anything remaining we will put toward a good cause.
Please watch the video and read more below.
To help get the word out, you can share the link to your social profiles and send around to anyone you think may help.
The Backstory
On September 2, the Gulf Livestock 1 is believed to of tragically sunk in the East China Sea during Typhoon Maysak. 43 crew members from Australia, New Zealand & the Philippines were all on board the vessel travelling from New Zealand to the Port of Jingtang in Tanghsan, China.
The livestock carrier issues a distress signal at 01:45 Tokyo Time, some 180km from Amami Archipelago, part of the Ryuku Islands southwest of Kyushu, Japan.
Once the weather settled, the Japanese Coast Guard responded and were able to search the area for four days before Typhoon Haishen entered the region. They found 2 survivors, 1 deceased, 1 lifeboat & 1 life raft.
Since then, the Japanese Coast Guard has scaled down Search & Rescue operations to regular patrols.
This leaves the remaining unaccounted for:
- 40 crew
- 1 lifeboat
- 4 life rafts
Why We're Still Hopeful
All life vessels hold 20-30 people and include enough food & water rations to nourish a full vessel for 30 days.
Reports have emerged from the found survivors that all but three crew members were on the ship’s bridge prior to the boat sinking, preparing to board life vessels.
Given their resources, preparation time and experience on the high seas, this leaves us - the family, friends & loved ones - a strong reason to believe that some crew are still out there.
The search needs to be continued at all costs.
How You Can Help
While the Japanese Coast Guard has done a great job so far, with your much-appreciated help we’re hoping to charter our own Search & Rescue vehicles, with a strong focus on surveillance aircraft. The privately chartered aircraft/s and their crew (plus any volunteers) will be searching for any sign of the remaining Gulf Livestock 1 crew, including the remaining lifeboat & four life rafts.
Chartered Search & Rescue Aircraft
- All chartered aircraft will be searching either: -
o The red/yellow heat-map areas as outlined in the following map > SAR MAP
o Uninhabited islands near the suggested areas in above map.
- While pilots are flying the plane, crew members and any local volunteers we can find will be searching for any sign of the remaining crew.
- Other than the crew, this includes the remaining lifeboat, 4 life rafts, any remains of the ship itself & life jackets.
- The planes we have currently been quoted on can fly between 5-8 hours per day.
COST: While we are still gathering a range of quotes, our current quoted prices sit at USD$7000 (AUD$9,600) per hour including fuel & crew, including tax. This comes to total of AUD$48,000 per day. We’re wanting three full-days, totaling AUD$150,000.
We Are in Desperate Need of Your Help.
After much campaigning & lobbying, the Australian, New Zealand & Filipino governments are yet to deploy any resources, funding, or support to the rescue effort.
Any money, help, advice, or time you can spare means the world to us and we could not be any more thankful.
We just want our boys home.
Who We Are
We are two best friends of Will Mainprize, our names are Harry Morrison of Tasmania & Elliot O'Hara of NSW are leading this fundraiser to get these boys home. We’ve both been friends of Will for over 10 years, and both attended university with him at CSU in the town of Bathurst, NSW. Harry was Will’s housemate for the duration of our university degree along with working alongside him on multiple live export ships throughout the years.
To help get the word out, you can share the link to your social profiles and send around to anyone you think may help.
Hallo, wir sind die Familie und Freunde der verbleibenden 40 vermissten Besatzungsmitglieder der Gulf Livestock 1. Wir bitten verzweifelt um Ihre Hilfe, um unsere Jungs zu finden und #bringthemhome. Das Geld fließt in die Satelliten- und Drohnenüberwachungstechnologie, gecharterte Such- und Rettungsfahrzeuge, Sensibilisierungskampagnen und Suchanreize. Bitte schauen Sie sich das Video an und lesen Sie unten weiter. Um das Wort zu verbreiten, können Sie den Link in den sozialen medien teilen und an alle senden, von denen Sie glauben, dass sie helfen könnten.