Save the Gasconade Bridge
Tax deductible
If the Guardians fail to save this bridge, eventually it will be destroyed, and another part of history and Route 66 legacy will be lost forever. Please become another Guardian of this beautiful bridge and help the small group of individuals who have been fighting for over 3 years now to save her. We need funding now to obtain a current Engineering survey and also we need funds to apply for "matching fund" grants. Unfortunately, we DID NOT receive a full refund of monies the Guardians donated to Workin' Bridges, and money raised by them was returned to individual donors, so we are basically starting from scratch again. Our Deadline for grant application is May 10th. Brother, can you spare a dime ? (Any and all donations to this effort are gratefully accepted!) We are a small group of individuals who are an organized Missouri non-profit with 501(c)3 status. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Email [email redacted] if you want a letter. This is your Route 66 Gasconade River Bridge Guardians speaking!! The official Group!!
Judy Dawson Arthachinta Wallmark
Ballwin, MO
Route 66 Gasconade River Bridge Guardians