Save the Historical Memphis Peanut Shoppe
The Original Memphis Peanut Shoppe is located in downtown Memphis on Main Street. The business has been serving Memphians delicious candies, nuts, popcorn, and more since 1949, and has made a lasting impact on the city and its residents.
While the Peanut Shoppe serves amazing chocolate covered nuts, candy, and other sweets, I am convinced that customers continue to visit the Peanut Shoppe because of the experience and the lasting connections and memories that it provides. The owners, the Abuzainehs and the Laucks, are hard-working people, who are so passionate about the business and the customers that come see them. As an intern at a business in Downtown Memphis, I was immediately told to go visit the Peanut Shoppe. After working Downtown for about 3 months, visiting the Peanut Shoppe and the acting manager has become a part of my weekly routine. I stop in about once or twice a week, and am never disappointed. I am greeted excitedly, as they bag up my order while telling me an intriguing story or asking me about my internship. They remember the little details about my life, and have advice for my future. While walking back to my office, I am left with whatever treat I got that day, along with the joy of the experience. The owners care deeply for the business, as they have been devoted to it for the past 30 years. The Memphis Peanut Shoppe is almost historical, as it has been operating for so long and is loved by so many people.
Sadly, after 72 years, the Peanut Shoppe is being forced to go out of business strictly due to the fact that the office space is being converted to apartment buildings in the future. As of December 31st, the Peanut Shoppe will not be able to renew its lease. The goal of 2,500 dollars would go to helping the Peanut Shoppe relocate or provide financial relief to the owner. If 2,500 dollars is reached, then I may continue to set the goal higher. The acting manager is thankful for any support, and has asked that if we do not raise enough for him to relocate, that the money be donated to a charity or place in need, such as St. Jude.
Please help save the Memphis Peanut Shoppe, as it is beloved by so many people. And please, if you have not already visited, visit now. Show your support and love for a local, legendary business.