Save the Oregon Trail: Stop the B2H!
Tax deductible
Protect Our Land, Preserve Our Heritage
In 2017, a generous donation from the Oregon-California Trails Association provided funding for the STOP B2H Coalition to organize as a not-for-profit 501(c) (3). Since then, with over 900 supporters, we have been continuously in litigation, filing comments, contested cases and appeals highlighting the serious flaws in Idaho Power’s application for the Boardman to Hemingway (B2H) transmission line project. If approved, the B2H will slash a 250’ wide clear cut across 300 miles of eastern Oregon. B2H transmission towers will mar the vast open view from the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, with one tower only 125’ from Panorama Point. In eastern Oregon, the B2H will cross the Oregon Trail 17 times, and 43.89 miles of the National Historic Trail will have visual impacts.
OCTA’s generosity gave us invaluable financial and moral support when it was vital to establishing our organization. Now we need everyone! Please help us protect our land and preserve our heritage. This is a one-time request. Our only opportunity for a fair hearing to save priceless remnants of the Oregon Trail in eastern Oregon will be appeals to the Oregon Supreme Court.
The same administrative law judge has heard various stages in our contested case with the State of Oregon (72 filed in 2020). Our issues range from saving the Oregon Trail to protecting our very way of life. Here are Top Ten Reasons to stop the B2H and our more climate-friendly alternatives that Idaho Power chooses not to implement.
Billion-dollar utility monopolies, like Idaho Power, expect volunteer activist groups to run out of money and energy. Our STOP B2H warriors have the energy and are committed to finishing what we started. Our committed local supporters have donated over $160,500 for STOP’s legal expenses. We estimate another $75,000 to 100,000 will be needed to be heard in the Oregon Supreme Court. We’re asking for your help to reach our goal to pay our upcoming legal fees.
For more information, check out: www.stopb2h.org or on Facebook @Stop B2H Coalition. All donations are tax-deductible.
Thank you for considering our request and for Preserving our Heritage,
-Stop B2H Coalition
1859 Magazine article 9/2019
Contested Case Warriors -- all Pro Se -- training for filing testimony.
National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center at Flagstaff Hill, Baker City, Oregon
Idaho Power's photo simulation of towers in front of Panorama Point at the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, Baker City.
Oregon Trail route through the Blue Mountains, Oregon.
About the Stop B2H Coalition (East Oregonian, 2019): https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=516073735853278
Marking the Trail in the B2H Corridor: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=3151878128160102
The Towers: Before & After… https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1610187562453733DonateShare
STOP B2H Coalition