Save the Supper
Tax deductible
Desert Christ Park is a 71 year old sculpture park in Yucca Valley, California, with a compilation of over 51 sculptures built to share the peace of Christ through art.
The Desert Christ Park Foundation is taking a step of faith in the on-going restoration of the Park’s sculptures.
Work on repairing “The Last Supper” facade will begin as early as this week. The largest work of artist Antone Martin, in the park (approximately 125 tons), is suffering damage at the front and back sides from moisture, the use of archaic materials (not water proof products) and 70 years of exposure to sun, wind and rain.
The Foundation has part of the funds to “begin” the much needed repairs of the facade base. How much more that can be restored, relies on the generosity of “you”, our community, supporters and visitors.
A contractor has been selected to begin exposing the large water-damaged areas (front/back) and to waterproof them. Following this, the facade base will then need extensive stucco repair and paint.
Lastly, the entire facade needs to be repainted by another contractor familiar with scaffolding and large projects.
Please join us to “Save the Supper”! Thank you in advance for your gift to this cause that means so much to so many.
Roxanne Miller
Yucca Valley, CA
Desert Christ Park, Inc.