Save Zeljko's Life
Hi, my name is Dejan Rakic and I'm raising funds not only to save, but also greatly improve the life of 28 year old Zeljko Curcin who urgently needs a kidney transplant. Zeljko's kidneys have been in chronic terminal state since November of 2014. So, for the past seven years this young man has been going for hemodialysis every second day. This exhausting yet necessary life maintaining medical treatment always leaves Zeljko's body in distress due to increased blood pressure, numerous muscle and bone aches, and overwhelming exhaustion. The hemodialysis has also left a significant mark on Zeljko's small blood vessels and circulation. He often stays bed ridden all that day, which makes it hard for him to recuperate and continue with his regular daily activities after. Zeljko was born and lives in Bar, Montenegro. It has to be said that the current living standards in this small country including the medical system aren't the most reliable in order for this complex medical treatment to occur as urgently as it needs to. In addition, a proper organ match can not be found within Zeljko's family, thus this young man, who is quite weak and ill, is currently in need of money and appropriate medical facility to undergo the kidney transplant. On that note, Zeljko's family did make a contact with such a facility in the city of Minsk, Belarus who agreed to do Zeljko's transplant surgery for the amount of 100 000 Euro. One additional local fundraiser is currently led by Zeljko's friends and family in Montenegro, but I, as his very concerned friend feel obligated and inspired to fundraise additional money to make sure that Zeljko receives this large amount of money which is necessary for this quite emotionally and physically complex surgery that's awaiting him. As I was inspired by the following words, I hope all of our united efforts will work together to help this young man receive a gift of new life.
" A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.
The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves."
Pokrenuli smo humanitarnu akciju prikupljanja novca pod nazivom "Spasimo Zeljkov Zivot" sa idejom da pomognemo ovom predivnom mladom coveku da dobije novi bubreg te tako i novi zivot.
Sasvim slucajno su se Zeljku i meni zivotni putevi ukrstili. Dakle, posto nas je Svevisnji Bog
spojio, osecam ogromnu cast i zadovljstvo da mu pomognem u ovom, za njega krucijalnom trenutku.
Dakle, borba za zdravlje Zeljka Curcina i njegove porodice neprestano traje vec sedam godina (oba bubrega su mu otkazala na terminalnoj bazi u Novembru 2014. godine). Zeljko je rodjen i zivi sa majkom i sestrom u Baru u Crnoj Gori. S obzirom da se ne moze naci dovoljno prikladan donor, kao ni medicinske prilike da se ovom decku lokalno pomogne, Zeljkovi najblizi rodjaci bejahu primorani da potraze pomoc u inostranstvu. Po preporuci, Zeljkova porodica je uspela ostvariti kontakt sa transplant klinikom u Minsku u Belorusiji ciji transplant tim je voljan uraditi transplantaciju novog bubrega u iznosu od
100 000 Eu.
Dodajem, samo zamislite koliko je tesko boriti se sa iscrpljujucom bolesti i nagovestajem transplant operacije kad ste bolesni i slabi, a kamoli jos brinuti o trazenju medicinskog osoblja i novca za to. Verujem nije lako to ni zamisliti, a kamoli se godinama sa tim suacavati?
Ovog hrabrog, mladog i upornog decka trenutno u zivotu odrzava hemodijaliza koja se u Zeljkovom slucaju odvija svakog drugog dana. On kaze da se u danima dijalize oseca jos slabije i izmucenije. Tada mu se krvni pritisak povisi, dobija bolove u misicima i kostima, i vezan je za krevet citav dan. Kao trenutno jedini nacin koji Zeljka odrzava u zivotu, hemodijaliza ostavlja nepovoljne posledice na Zeljkove krvne sudove i cirkulaciju. S toga se nadamo da ce u sto skorijoj buducnosti nas prijatelj Zeljko dobiti priliku za novi zolivot uz POMOC I PODRSKU ljudi kao sto ste vi.
Za novcanu donaciju uz pomoc kreditne kartice pripremili smo Go Fund Me link. A za novcane uplate preko ziro racuna cemo postaviti link za Lovcen banku organizovan od strane Zeljkove porodice.
Dejan i Mirjana Rakic