Bring Bandit Home PLEASE
April 27th Update: clients asked me to withdraw, retained my competitor. The clients owe me $2500 in unpaid costs I fronted and fees for work I did before they switched attorneys. Per my contact I can try to recoup these costs and fees via fundraising even after they terminate my representation.
On January 4, 2017 my client's dog Bandit, a beloved family member, bit a Fed Ex man who was delivering a package. The man received a few stitches but insisted Bandit should be destroyed. Bandit now needs a behavioral evaluation and help paying his kennel fees at the Aurora CO Animal Shelter where he's been for over 2 months. The certified applied animal behaviorist that the city is forcing us to hire charges a minimum of $550 and his kennel fees for the next 30 days are $450.00.
Bandit's hard working immigrant Armenian family has already paid $5,000.00 towards this incident, including hiring a prior behaviorist who the city refused to allow to evalute Bandate outside his cage, and kennel fees paid to the City since 1/4/17. They need help getting the money for the next 30 days which are due 3/14/17 and for the expert to evaluate him and recommend rehabilitation or destruction. If he doesn't get the evaluation, he will probably be destroyed, because that's what the city wants. They want him destroyed not so much for what he did, but because he is an American Staffordshire Terrier, which are illegal in the city.
HIs family has a loving home for him to go in Parker, CO until they move to where his breed is not illegal, but the city will never agree to that unless we can convince them with a behavioral evaluation.