Save the Centre Theater
Centre Theater is being sold! The posting went up today and the picture on the posting is from the movie showing this week 9/27. An early comment is that it will not stay a theater, and I with others fear that it will close, and/or be bought by someone from out of town that doesn't care about us or our town.
The nice thing is that it only costs $150,000. There are around 6500 people in Bear Lake County and about 2600 of them live in Montpelier. Most of us use this theater as a place of entertainment and while we may not flood it with business I am sure it is a place of memory for many of you.
That is why I am running this fundraiser to save our theater. If 1500 people each donated $100 it would cover the cost to buy the theater, *I would then manage it and ensure that we keep our movie theater* (we are now saying that we want to keep the current management and make this a non profit see the update below). If everyone in the county donated $25 then we would also cover the cost. I am willing to put $2000 towards this, that is all my savings that I have right now.
If the fundraising only raises part of the cost we can get a loan and not outright buy it. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make this work but I need your help. Please help us save our Theater.
Note: If this campaign fails we will pull the money out and return it to you, if we can find you; if we don't know who you are and cannot find you we will donate the money to Bear Lake Middle School's tech program where I work.
Link for the sale:
Update 1: Ownership - Now out of date, this was just an idea see update 2 for our non-profit status goal!
I hadn't really given it any thought as to the ownership of the theater, but a good question was asked and here is just 1 idea. I'm open to other suggestions. The suggestion was shared ownership with everyone who donated, I feel that wouldn't be really a good idea just because we could end up with over a thousand owners, and then like any government organization with a committee, nothing would ever get done. So, how about anyone who donates $1,000 or more gets a percentage share divided among those who donated over $1,000 and this group of people is like the shareholders of the company or a board of directors who hire a manager to run the company. A small percentage of profits (money above the pay of employees and manager, and the running of the theater) of the theater go to the shareholders, while the rest goes to improvement of the theater and to sponsor community events.
Let's not dig into the weeds too much, we have a ways to go and have to buy it before anyone else does.
Update 2: Major Update
Hey! For those who are wanting a Centre Theater update. We officially organized and are called the Bear Lake Improvement and Scholarship Society or BLISS for short. We are going to be a Non Profit organization with a full on 501 c3 tax exemption status so donations are tax deductible. Our stated purpose is to promote education, preserve historical buildings and prevent community deterioration and child delinquency. The full scope of our organization is to purchase old buildings in Montpelier, renovate them and lease them to for profit businesses to revive our town, and to raise money for scholarships for students focusing on the arts. The duel purpose is to provide students with funds for school and to give them something to do on weekday nights to prevent child delinquency. Our next meeting will be Nov 1st at 7pm where we want to further organize our board and start to create some bylaws that our organization will run under. We are accepting donations of every kind, not just from gofundme, and I expect you to be at our next meeting :D Message me if you want to participate or have any questions.