Saved Me's End of the Year Fundraiser
Tax deductible
We need HELP! 2022 has hit us hard. Over the pandemic, as many other rescues experienced, we saw a fantastic spike in adoption numbers and rescue support. Since that craze ended, there has been a steady decline in not only adoptions but also fosters and even donors. We've been kept afloat solely by our loyal supporters like you.
This year took its toll on our medical funds as we've been hit repeatedly by unexpected costs. We are committed to consistently providing the utmost medical care for the dogs in our rescue, but it comes at a cost. And we're not just talking about the cost of services - we mean the cost of another life. When we get hit with unanticipated medical expenses, it takes away from our medical budget allotted for the new lives we could be taking in, and sometimes we're forced to say no to a dog who needs our help. We're now at the point where we're close to having to shut down intake altogether until we can build our medical budget back up.
We already have to make the tough choices of which dogs we can welcome from all of our rescue partners, and the worst thing in the world is saying no to a life in need. We want to say more yeses. Will you help us?
Please consider us for your end-of-year donations. Our lifesaving mission is made possible because of our strong network of supporters. The following is only a small list of the amazing dogs we were able to help this year. We'll be sharing their individual stories throughout the week. These dogs all went from being unwanted, unloved, and slightly broken (either in spirit or body) to being safe, wanted and irreplaceable family members. These dogs made it HOME in 2022 because of YOUR HELP.
These are their stories...
Kurt - adopted in October after 2 years at the shelter
Susie - adopted in November 2022 after having bilateral hip surgery
Bouncer - adopted in November 2022 after being pulled from the city shelter unable to use his hind legs
Charlie - adopted in September 2022 after being hit by a park in a parking lot at 4 months old resulting in 2 broken hind kneecaps
Beanie - adopted in October 2022 after arriving with an injured eyeball that required removal at only 3 months old
Miles - adopted this month after breaking his leg while in foster
...and so many HW+ dogs who wouldn't have made it out of the south otherwise
Fundraising team (2)
Lauren Nace
Philadelphia, PA
Saved Me Inc
Devon Kluver
Team member