Help Donna Fight Cancer and Move
reasons for updated campaign:
i am restarting this campaign because i need to relocate out of state again in order to live on my own and it is going to be very expensive since i had to do this a year and half ago. some of you have probably been following my story and know that i am not in a safe or healthy situation still. i have asked my family for help and i have been given tough love in return.
i hate being in a position where i have to ask for help at all but i have posted links to a few articles re. the fact that women and the disabled and poor often have to stay in abusive relationships due to housing being so expensive and hard to find. i have been told many times i have to stay for medical insurance and opportunities, help, family, money etc. i did stay for a very long time and now i can’t. i am going public with this so maybe some other women in similar situations will have the courage to do so as well. (links describing what i’ve been through):
i will be losing my health insurance when i move to oregon (or even to another county in california) for the 2nd time since i had cancer. i am losing the opportunity to go to the stanford chronic fatigue syndrome clinic for free (medi-cal.) but i can’t think about that too much. i am moving where i can hopefully afford the rent but there is also a housing shortage there. other areas i can afford have doctor shortages, really severe ones like a year wait for a dentist and 6 months for a doctor. no place i am looking at has the kind of climate i am used to which actually works for my illnesses instead of making them worse. i am on all kinds of waiting lists to come back to california but that is not pleasant to think about when i am moving for the 6th time in 7 years.
i didn’t come anywhere near my goal with this campaign and i had to have surgery and move and then money wasn’t such an issue temporarily. now i actually have to live on $1340 paying rent and bills and i will mention the other expenses i am facing. renting a trailer to move, gas, non-toxic motels, people to help me move. when i get there i will have to stay in a non-toxic motel or sublet due to chemical sensitivity until i find housing. then deposit, first and last month’s rent on a new place, all the other expenses involved in setting up a new place. since i won’t have insurance i will have to pay out of pocket to see a doctor and then pay for prescriptions as well until i get insurance.
i am sure all who have followed this for the past 2-3 years can appreciate how exhausting and trying this has been. please pitch in even $5-10 if it is possible so i can get on my own two feet and live with some dignity and peace. the fear of being wiped out of my small savings in order to be safe is very stressful and if that could be offset a bit i can hopefully get through this. thank you for your support and love. it means everything to me.
if you would prefer to buy some of my art or use paypal you can e-mail me.
old campaign:
I find myself suddenly fighting aggressive breast cancer, one that likes to attack both breasts and return. Because of chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivity and a host of related disorders I am not fond of western medicine and what is basically poison for a cure. I am grappling with that and plan to do surgery but am not sure about the rest of it, it depends on whether it has spread. I finally have an income after 2 and half years but it is only $1300 mo. which has forced me to live in an evironmentally safe trailer which is quite a different lifestyle to which I am accustomed.
At the moment I only have online support and a relationship that is disintegrating and causing me a lot of emotional pain. I have a tiny nest egg with which to move to California if I recover to be closer to my family. I went through a bout last month where all these stressors made me feel like life was not worth living and i landed in the hospital. I have a lot of virtual support but it only goes so far. People tell me that i am brave and courageous and strong. I don't know why. Besides the death of my son 9 years ago, I have never felt so alone and scared and uncertain of my ability to survive.
Any support is appreciated, I just spent $560 staying in a non toxic hotel and returned to a housesit situation that was too toxic for me to do. I am in an empty foreclosed house and will have to move into a not ready trailer. (bucket as toilet) I don't hold up too well with roughing it and certainly hope it is easier after surgery. I'm feeling a bit stronger and more hopeful but still very vulnerable. I am overwhelmed with the support of many many people on facebook and those who have already donated privately. So far medicaid has made the health care possible. I am grateful for that as well.