We Need YOU to Help Save Literacy!
Donation protected
Once upon a time, there was a teacher who walked into a classroom where many of the students read below grade level. That teacher went to different grade levels, districts, and even a different state and it was much the same because how students were taught was the same.
One year stood out to the teacher, it was the year of Brenda. The first interaction was with Brenda’s mom, who basically chewed the teacher out because she felt her daughter should not have been placed in the teacher’s grade level because it would be too hard. That year the teacher did all they could to best educate Brenda to include 1:1 teaching, collaborating with others, and creating resources to help the student.
This is the story of my journey in being an advocate for quality and effective teaching, but it is not just mine, it is the journey of my students, their families, and other educators. I’ve sat in many spaces listening to students, parents, families, and other educators that are tired of the current state of education. In the past 20 or so years I’ve heard more complaints than I have heard solutions. The theme of all these conversations is change.
Stepping in to change things around is Garmik Inc. because we need the numbers in literacy to improve greatly right now.
Our nonprofit Garmik Inc. was birthed by four educators, including myself, Mikala Westbrook, in July of 2023, but has been a work in progress for years. Between us we have about 100 years of combined experience to glean from. We decided there was no better time to change the narrative of how the business of education is done. Our students deserve the best and that’s what Garmik Inc. is striving to do.
Let’s discuss where the funds will go once you donate…
-administrative costs for 2024
-books to give children for a home library
-resources to share with families
-funding for a family literacy night
All other funds will be reserved for future events and resources that support the opening of the school in 2025. These funds ensure our families don’t have a cost associated with the events and get the resources that promote our vision for the community, 1st graders with no reading gaps!
Imagine how grateful 1st grade teachers will be!
GoFundMe users, like you and me, have raised billions of dollars as of 2022, and we are confident this is the place to help us get our start in helping our youngest students have an impactful start to their educational experiences!
When I was in school, there were no real other options for my mother to send me to a private school at an affordable tuition rate. For a time I gave up on wanting to learn because I just wasn’t getting what I needed as a learner. I almost ended my education at high school. I had no real plan- I just knew I was tired of the education system. Now here I am, college graduate (4x), advocate for children, educator, and now the founder of one of the change agents in education. The students we will serve need to have a better option than what I had, and different from what is available now. We cannot risk our future great minds giving up on a system because they didn’t get the strongest foundation for their education.
This is why we need your donation and support to help save literacy with us. Any donation and any amount of sharing of this cause helps!
Thank you!
Mikala & The Gamik Inc. Board
P.S. We are 501c3 seeking but this donation should still help at tax time next year!
Mikala Westbrook
Plano, TX