San Bushman: Health Education & Art
Our youth are at-risk: high teen pregnancy & school drop out rates. Help us save these young lives. Our workshops focus on health, education & pride in San culture.
San Bushman from Botswana are one of oldest surviving peoples on our planet. From rock paintings of 60,000 years ago to oil paintings and linocuts of today, San artists paint and create...to live. Help them support their art workshops for school drop outs and wells & pipes for clean water in their settlement.
Kuru Art Project of D’Kar: For over 20 years, San artists living in D’Kar have been painting images of life long ago as well as current scenes and images. Their art keeps their culture alive for future generations and gives hope for all San. Despite their struggles and frustrations with lives caught between ancient and modern lifestyles, the joy and vibrancy of their art comes through. They paint and draw their stories with the same passion and sensitivity that mark the rock paintings of their ancestors, dated between 60,000 and 100,000 years ago.
A local group, including former Peace Corps Volunteers who served in Botswana and other parts of Africa, are planning an exhibit and sale of San art in Northern California. Fundraising efforts are underway to bring several San artists and translators here along with their paintings, drawings and painted fabrics. San artists in D’Kar produce art that is original, contemporary and remarkable. These artists have no formal art lessons, but rather rely on their own innate abilities as they create art from their heart.
Rather send a check? Make it out to William James Assoc. On subject line write: SAN ART. Send to: Peggy Flynn c/o Anne Cawley, 2395 Delaware Ave #46, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
$15,000 is needed by June so that we know how much art & how many artists can come to the Art Exhibit & Sale in Nov:
- $12,000 USD brings 4 artists to America to introduce their art at a first San ART EXHIBIT & SALE.
-$3,000 to prepare the art (stretching, etc) for the event & pay for venue
We hope to raise enough money at the event in Nov to do the following back in Botswana:
- $5,000 USD buys 4 years of health education workshops for at-risk youth to address their health & social challenges (teen pregnancy & school drop outs-social workers & nurses will facilitate) while learning art from their San elder artists. These workshops will build their capacity to handle modern-day issues while instilling in them a pride in their San history & culture.
- $25,000 USD supports the digging of bore holes (wells), and pipes for clean water.
"Kalahari San Art Exhibit & Sale" is a project sponsored by the William James Association (Santa Cruz, CA) Funds Needed by June 2017.
Donate Today!
- $500 USD Card signed by San Artist
- $1,000 USD Name in program and 1 ticket to VIP Reception w/Ambassadors & others
- $3,000 USD Name in program and 2 ticket(s) to VIP Reception w/Ambassadors & others
- $5,000+ USD Name in program and 4 ticket(s) to VIP Reception w/Ambassadors & others
- $20,000 USD Travel with Peggy to meet the San artists in Botswana.
Visit www.kalaharisan.org for more information . Thank you for your support.