Save Shaffer's European Bakery
Saturday morning(2/14/15), my fellow peer Steven Shaffer was in his bakery putting together a Valentine's package for his girlfriend. A person came into his bakery and stabbed him. As the person left, they set the bakery on fire.
Police arrived on scene minutes later with fire crews and EMS not far behind to put out the flames. Unfortunately, there was a lot of damages done by the fire. The whole back wall destroyed. The paramedics transported Shaffer to the hospital. The doctors have said he will make a full recovery.
For three years, Steven worked on fulfilling his dream of opening up a bakery in Collegedale. In 2014, he fulfilled his dream. Because of this incident, he has to come up with $5,000 to repair all the damages due to the fire and $10,000 towards medical costs. I, myself have had some of his baked goods, and they are of the finest quality. Let us come together and save Steven's bakery. If you cannot donate, please share this on facebook.
Chattanooga news on the scene.