Help Save Theodore's Life
Help us to save our baby boy!
We need to raise at least $60k for 6 chemotherapy, after then there will be needed a surgery which will cost approximately another $57k.
#savetheodor #theodoresfight #saveteo
Theodore's instagram page
Theodore's Fb page
On May 16, 2017 Theodore Dogari was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma cancer.
Theodor is only 9 months old, he never showed any signs of sickness he always was happy, playful and really active.
Theodor's treatment is happening in Turkey. Unfortunately Theo's family does not have insurance in Turkey and the procedure to treat Neuroblastoma cancer is very expensive. He will need a surgery and a chemotherapy. This sickness needs to be treated as soon as possible so the cancer doesn't spread to the rest of his body.
Please HELP Theodor to fight Neuroblastoma cancer he is too little to fight with this big sickness alone.
Any donation will help.
Thank you to everyone for all your support. Theodore is Mine and my husband David Gonzales nephew.
Help spread the word!
#savetheodor #theodoresfight #saveteo #savealife