Save Vallejo Odd Fellows Hall
We need your help to preserve our Historic Building, so that we can do more to support Vallejo's downtown community.
Our Lodge fell on hard times when the Navy left Vallejo in the '90s, and again during the Great Recession of 2008. Our savings were depleted when downtown Vallejo became a ghost town, and we couldn't rent our retail space.
We've played a part in Vallejo's revival as an arts center, but are hindered by costly deferred maintenance and expensive new fire code requirements.
What We Do
Though our resources are limited, we try to fulfill the Oddfellows’ mission to relieve the distressed, educate youth, and help our community as much as possible. We have donated space for small gatherings like a memorial service for a neighbor’s son, to groups like the non profit theater, On the Fringe, which provides acting opportunities to youth at no charge, and meeting space to community groups like Vallejo Arts Alliance and Poetry by the Bay.
The lodge building at the corner of Georgia and Marin Streets is in the heart of Vallejo’s downtown historic district and in walking distance to the waterfront. It has a 5000 square foot footprint and is five stories tall. It was built in 1872, with major additions in 1902 and 1922. The facilities include:
Historic Grand Ballroom
Commercial-sized Kitchen
Dining Hall
Meeting Rooms and Offices
Game Room with Pool Tables
Ground floor storefront
We currently have to turn down requests for event rentals that require an elevator or a dining hall. Once we're able to utilize the whole building we'll be a vibrant center for both low-cost community and revenue generating events .
What We Need
Stained Glass Window restoration
Eight stained glass wndows installed in 1922 are at risk. The frames of the four on the south side of the building have weathered badly and are in desperate need of attention. Restoration will cost between $15,000. to @20,000. per window.
Fire Alarm System
VFD is imposing new requirements and we must now install an integrated fire alarm system. Bids to install this system in our five story building range from $48,000 to $100,000., plus monthly monitoring fees.
Elevator Modernization
Our elevator was installed in 1922 and last upgraded in 1953. It is hard to find parts and qualified technicians. It needs a complete overhaul, bid at $200,000., but we get to keep the Art Deco car!
The stairs from our top floor do not meet modern building code. They need to be rerouted internally and/or we need to add an external staircase. Our large, top-floor dining hall is currently red-tagged until this is resolved. We're hoping that VFD will consider changing the red tag to a yellow tag once the fire alarm is installed, but we'll still need to do extensive work to make this floor code compliant.
About the Odd Fellows
The Mission of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows is:
To improve and elevate the character of mankind by promoting the principles of friendship, love, truth, faith, hope, charity and universal justice.
To help make the world a better place to live by aiding each other, the less fortunate, the youth, the elderly, the environment and the community in every way possible.
To promote good will and harmony amongst peoples and nations through the principle of universal fraternity, holding the belief that all men and women regardless of race, nationality, religion, social status, gender, rank and station are brothers and sisters.
Find out more about our lodge at oddfellowsvallejo.org ...