Saving Kevin Watson's ASS from Cancer
Thank you for letting us tell you about our brother Kevin and the battle he is fighting.
Kevin was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer just a few short weeks ago and he is preparing for the fight of his life. Kevin has lived abroad for many years, teaching and inspiring students all over the world, including Japan, Dubai, Barbados as well as here at home in Canada.
When Kevin was given this devastating diagnosis, he knew he needed to come home to Canada, giving up a job he loved, to fight for his life. His family rallied together, making arrangements for a place to stay while he safely quarantined and making sure he had healthcare when he arrived home. As a family, we are forever grateful to the office of Jane McKenna MPP for assisting in obtaining Kevin’s OHIP card when he arrived back in Canada.
While we were able to obtain an OHIP card for Kevin, this will not cover the overwhelming cost of cancer treatment and Kevin’s daily needs as he fights and heals. As he was forced to quit a job that he loved in order to come home, he will be unable to work throughout his treatment which could last up to 1 year, leaving him without any income or health insurance. We, as his family, will continue to rally for him and assist in any way we can to help him fight with everything he has, hopefully with a bit less strain financially.
Kevin is headed into surgery today (Dec. 20th, 2020) which is only the first step in many to his recovery. In the next few months, Kevin will be going through radiation and chemotherapy treatments in hopes of saving him from living permanently with a colostomy bag. He will then undergo another surgery in March to attempt to remove the cancer, followed by more chemotherapy. The doctors are optimistic Kevin will beat this and we are as well, but he can’t do it alone. Kevin will need all the help and support we can give him to help him fight and kick this cancer right in the a**!
This is where we are asking all who can to rally with us! Kevin has touched so many lives through his career and absolute lust for life and all things adventure. It has been heartbreaking watching our once full of life brother get knocked down in such an unjust way, but we know he is a fighter and will come out of this stronger than ever. We know he will once again be back to what he loves doing most, teaching and being with his two boys Keon and Nash.
The Watson and Moffat families thank you sincerely for reading Kevin’s story and supporting him in any way you can xoxo
PS - We have been made aware that some countries are not able to donate through Go Fund Me as they are not supported in those countries. If you wish to donate and can't via this page here are some options:
1. Change your VPN to a Canadian or American source.
2. Send an electronic payment to [email redacted]
3. Mail a cheque to Kevin Watson 1207 Bellview Street, Burlington Ontario Canada L7S 1C8