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Sawicki Strong - Lexy's chance for children

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Dear friends and family, I am setting this up asking your help for my girlfriend’s daughter Lexy Sawicki. As many of you know she was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of leukemia (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) in May. This came out of nowhere, and she has been battling it with inner strength like I have never seen. She is a beautiful, funny, energetic, and smart girl who has been keeping up with her studies at MSU, even while going through treatments. She had to deal with being hospitalized for 28 days without being able to have a single visitor because of the covid-19 pandemic. Having to deal with a life changing illness all by herself at the age of 19 is unbelievable. She had to deal with a broken back from a fall because her hemoglobin was so low. She had to deal with a brain bleed because her platelets were so low. She had to deal with liver damage from the chemo drugs. She had to deal with the possibility of not having kids in the future because the chemo and full body radiation would make that unachievable. But this is why I am writing. Since the leukemia was so aggressive, they had to treat it right away. Life or death decisions made it impractical to delay treatment and try to harvest and save some of her eggs. The liver damage may have been a blessing in disguise. They had to delay the bone marrow stem cell transplant, along with the strongest chemo and full body radiation, until October, to allow her liver to heal. This means we have a small window to retrieve some eggs and store them. The fertility drugs, egg harvesting, and freezing/storage is expensive and not covered by any insurance. I am setting a goal of $22,500 to help Lexy at least have the possibility of having her own children when she decides. Those who know her know she deserves that, and would be a wonderful mother. Please help in any way you can, and please share. Thanks.



  • Raymond Cousino
    • $250 
    • 4 yrs
  • Kelsey Dionne
    • $50 
    • 4 yrs
  • Richard Carpenter
    • $50 
    • 4 yrs
  • Stephen McKanna
    • $100 
    • 4 yrs
  • Maegan Lezotte
    • $50 
    • 4 yrs


Joseph Gyurcsik
Riverview, MI

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