Say NO to Forest Road High-Rise
See updated info with corrections regarding: information shared and its accuracy has now been amended.
Note: Judicial Reviews have a 90% success rate against SHD's, but we need community support to make it happen.
What are we doing?
South Swords Residents Group (SSRG) are raising funds for a judicial review to support Independent individuals taking a case against the development of high-rise apartment blocks along Forest Road, as high as 8-storeys, that have contravened objectives of the Fosterstown masterplan. We are not against housing or apartments; our aim is to put forward and secure a plan for responsible use of the Fosterstown land that is aligned with the Fosterstown Masterplan for the area. We need your help!
How did we get here?
Despite widespread effort and 181 objections from the community in Nov 2020- As of Feb 2021, MKN (Ridgewood Developer) have now been, granted planning permission, facilitated by An Bord Pleanala for this development.
What are MKN's plans for the land?
MKN have used the applied to ABP to material contravene local planning objectives, and now have permission to build 265 apartments up to 8 storey blocks high. This is phase 1 of a 3 phase development, meaning hundreds more apartments will be developed over the coming years.
Why should you be against it?
The apartments are on very important lands Swords, and the developer has developed 1,700 housing units to date in Swords. These plans are not similar to other schemes they have done in the area. Many residents believe from their observations to the bord that they do not have the communities best interests and future in mind. The apartments exceed recommended densities regards fostertown masterplan but are in line with the national planning framework and apartment height guidelines. However, we believe they are not in keeping with the area at 8 stories high, and they will be far larger then any houses and estates on Forest Road.
One in every three of the apartments have no parking space allocated whatsoever, and the other apartments only have 1 parking space. This is only phase 1 of 3 which means ongoing development of hundreds of apartments over the coming years! Phase 1 will set the precedent for the remaining phases so we MUST act now!
What we want!
We are NOT against sustainable development on the land, but we CANNOT let this plan go ahead! It completely disregards the Fingal Development Plan and Fosterstown Masterplan which set out 2 storeys along Forest road, preservation of the existing hedge line and adding a cycle track.
How you can help!
This is our last chance to act and set a precedent for Phase 2 and 3 on the land to come, to fight for what is needed- respect for the area and neighboring residents in terms of heights and densities, a school, amenities and supportive infrastructure. SSRG are putting forward a judicial review to stop these plans going ahead, but we need community support to make it happen! Please please donate what you can now on our Go Fund Me page or message us to make a bank transfer or join the Residents Group.
An updated letter has been sent to residents regarding the above, once the date for JR is set and we have more information we will share online and with contributors to go fund me, who have given the SSRG funds to support three individuals who are taking the JR on what we believe is in the best interest of the community.
Thank you for your support!