Say ‘NO’ to Greenway Landfill Lorries
Donation protected
Help say ‘NO’ to Greenway Landfill Lorries to fund the preparation of an expert transport report to challenge the proposed plans, and to have planning experts to fight the case at Devon County Hall for residents
Local residents and our road network could see a 20 tonne tipper truck traveling past our homes every 5 minutes
Attention: Residents and business owners around Tiverton, Post Hill, Braid Park, Uplowman, Crazelowman, Sampford Peverell, Halberton
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There’s a planning proposal to convert a field near Uplowman to an inert landfill site. This will mean an enormous number of heavy 20 tonne tipper trucks driving past our houses all day, every day, for up to eight years in Uplowman, Crazelowman, Braid Park, Halberton and Sampford Peverell. We have ZERO time to object before this goes to planning committee for approval, so we have to ACT NOW to do these three things:
- 1. Give £15-20 to help raise some local funds that will pay for professional reports to object to this proposal; we need the data and evidence that shows this will cause chaos on our roads, endanger local residents and damage the environment around us
“Without these reports, we will lose this battle and our house prices will drop like our quality of life.”
- 2. Register your objection
In reality the council will look at the number of these but it’s about the facts that we need from the above reports during the committee hearing.
- 3. Attend the local meetings to learn more, show your support and ask questions. If you prefer to bring cash to donate to the cause you can do so!
If we don’t get more time from an extension by objecting firmly immediately with professionals, we will be seeing up to 60 HGVs per day past our homes, where our children play, where we walk our dogs, park our cars, and enjoy this beautiful part of Mid-Devon.
What do we intend to use the money for?
We need £1500 initially to engage professionals, immediately. There are two main aspects:
1. Expertise to plan and represent us at the committee hearing.
2. A thorough Transport Assessment to refute the weak ‘transport statement’ that has been submitted, overlooking blatantly obvious risks
Campaign materials to promote this initiative such as posters, leaflets, banners to ensure everyone who will be impacted is aware this is happening! Most do not have a clue! We may need meeting spaces so we can get together and inform the community with as many facts and updates as possible, and hear the views of our neighbours.
Who are we?
We’re a group of residents who really do not want this for our community. If no one does anything we will be stuffed and have to live with a huge number of lorries, dust, noise and damage to our homes.
Organiser - Karl Wiseman, resident at Highwood Gardens on Enterprise Avenue
In August 2023 there was a proposal from a local farmer to convert a field near Uplowman to receive inert landfill waste. This would require constant traffic of laden heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) like tipper trucks passing through the area to dump waste. The proposal has been revised with new proposed truck routings throughout our local villages.
In particular the problem areas are:
- HGVs coming from the Link Road through Braid Park (Enterprise Avenue) which is lined with houses, has children and walkers with dogs, play parks, parked cars etc.
- Using Greenway/ Uplowman Road where we have walkers, people driving their children to and from school
- Lorries will pass through Sampford Peverell, past the pub, over the (newly narrowed with new footpaths) bridge and up to Turnpike Cross.
- Unpoliced landfill being dumped in the fields above the Great Western Canal
- No enforcement of HGVs to use any particular route; if this passes they will have free reign in the area to use whichever route they see fit. We’ve seen this with other planning applications in the area.

What’s the plan?
Even with many objections on the planning application, we need to instruct professional representation at the committee meeting where the decision will be made. We’ll have just 3 minutes to put across our points on the night which needs to be concise, materially significant to their planning considerations and backed up with facts (in a longer report, which will be shared in advance of the hearing).
What else can I do?
- Object to the application AGAIN - it takes just a few minutes and you can simply mention the pertinent points around road safety, the narrow nature of the roads and meeting large vehicles, the use of the area by families, etc.
- Planning Application - DCC/4358/2023 https://planning.devon.gov.uk/Planning/Display/DCC/4358/2023#undefined
- Sign up to receive email updates by adding your name to the change.org petition; we’ll ensure any meetings that are happening are communicated so you have the opportunity to show up. https://www.change.org/p/halt-the-expansion-of-waste-deposition-and-recycling-facility-at-greenway-uplowman
What if we have leftover money?
This first stage of defeating the application will very possibly lead to some further stages, so any additional money will be kept for further opposition until such a time as any appeals have been completed the case has completely closed.
At that stage any excess money can be divided between local charities in consultation with the donors. The likelihood is, however, that we will need to continue raising further funds down the line. Ultimately it’s a small investment at this stage to protect our community, our health & well-being, and house values.
Why should we support this?
I'm creating this as I am extremely worried about the impact this will have on our community. Without creating a community collective, we have no hope of bringing a coherent, organised argument to the committee. I, and many others, DO NOT WANT more heavy vehicles rumbling through our communities all day, every day. It will create unnecessary danger, noise, pollution which will significantly degrade our quality of life here. It will immediately impact the value of our homes; who wants to buy a home in the country to share the environment with HGVs?
This is a small investment to protect ourselves. The more we can all contribute, the stronger our voice will be. I am making myself available to answer questions.

Karl Wiseman