Albania Earthquake Relief
Tax deductible
Një tërmet i fortë 6.3 ka goditur Shqipërinë rreth orës 3:54 të ditës 26.11.2019. Fatkeqësisht shumë persona kanë humbur jetën dhe një numër shumë i madh banesash e pallatesh janë shkatërruar. Fundjavë Ndryshe nis fushatën për të ardhur në ndihmë të shqiptarëve tonë në nevojë. Zoti na ruajtë!
This fund is to provide food, water, and shelter to Albanian suffering as a result of the catastrophic earthquake in the morning of Nov 26, 2019, the biggest in 70 years. These funds will be used towards re-building schools and provide help to families in need of immediate support. There are already 5 people confirmed dead and more than 200 injured - your help is needed!
This fund is to provide food, water, and shelter to Albanian suffering as a result of the catastrophic earthquake in the morning of Nov 26, 2019, the biggest in 70 years. These funds will be used towards re-building schools and provide help to families in need of immediate support. There are already 5 people confirmed dead and more than 200 injured - your help is needed!
Niko Papa
Norridge, IL
FN Foundation