Scarletts Medical Trip
Hey, I'm Jas. Scarletts mom. She is 2.5 years old. I have started this to help provide some assistance to help get my daughter to the Toronto hospital for sick kids to get her help and to hopefully save her life.
My daughter was 14 months old when she had her first seizure on Christmas Day. 6 days after that on the 30th of December she had her first stroke. We have spent new years in a hospital in the pediatric unit. We have spent a whole Christmas in the hospital. We have spent birthdays and holidays in the hospitals.
To date we have 50 plus nights that we have stayed in the Ronald McDonald House in Saskatoon, and we are still adding to that. We have had over 30 hospital stays and visits to date. We currently have over 30 medical professionals that are a part of her team and that we see at any given time.
Currently Saskatoon have put up their hands up and are not able to help us any further as there's nothing more they can do. We are waiting to get to Toronto Sick Kids hospital to be able to get her help as we need these seizures to stop. These seizures have taken so much from my daughter and it's so unfair to see her suffer in silence like this. I am hoping with Toronto being a level 4 epilepsy center and a whole team there that we can figure out the best course of treatment and action to help save my daughter's life.
Currently her life has consisted of our home and hospitals, doctors and rehabs. We've tried to have her experience some things in life that her brothers get to do but she isn't able to handle it with all her triggers. Her seizures have taken her ability to make friends, to talk, to walk, to be a kid in general. She's slowly progressing with rehab but she's very delayed.
She has Global Developmental Delay, Autism and also Generalized Epilepsy. Her epilepsy is what's slowly killing her and taking her quality of life away even more than she has it now. She has 4 different types of seizures and when she has a seizure it's her whole brain that has a seizure not just a part of it. So we need the best team to help save her. The most seizures she's had in one day was over 90.
With your help and donations you can help me take the stress of the financial side of things off a bit to help with travel, accomodations and food while I continue to fight like heck to save my little girl and to have her brothers have their sister for the rest of their lives! Thank you for reading this! ❤️ If you cannot donate than please share!
Update! I want to say a huge thank you to every person that has donated, emailed and send messages my way! I am blown away by everyone's help from this community! I had an original goal of $500 to help with costs. That exceeded my expectation by alot! This amount that has been raised is huge and such a lesser burden on myself so thank you everyone for this! My family and I are extremely grateful of the generosity of our community and now I'm able to just concentrate on keeping my daughter alive until we get her the medical help she needs! ❤️
Here is the link to our story on the news: https://regina.ctvnews.ca/i-m-stuck-regina-mom-seeking-help-to-get-daughter-to-sick-kids-hospital-in-toronto-1.6980419