School Lunch Elves
This holiday season, let’s help those in need
from our very own community.
Some schools considered low-income, qualify for Federal Reimbursements, which allow
their students to receive free lunches.
However, there are many schools, in NISD, that fall just over the Federal Assist benchmark,
meaning that families who struggle to make
ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck,
may need, but may not receive the necessary assistance.
NISD families, that do not qualify for the
Federal Assistance, currently have a
cumulative outstanding lunch balance of nearly $28,000 for this semester.
Let’s bring joy and help ease our neighbors’
financial burden by covering the cost of their child’s unpaid lunch debt.
The Child Nutrition Department is not
allowed to provide free/reduced meals to
students who were not qualified through a meal application. They offer a courtesy meal to those students with negative balances at no cost. This meal consists of a turkey
and cheese sandwich, a choice of a fruit or vegetable and milk.
Your donations will be used to help those in need. Once the campaign is completed, a check will be disbursed to NISD. The donation will be allocated based upon need and at the discretion of the Child Nutrition Department.
- Your donation will not go to the 49 NISD
CEP (Community Eligibility Provision)
schools. These schools receive free breakfast and lunch.
Attached you will find a list of each school in our district and the corresponding
outstanding balance.
Negative Account Balance
Site: 003, Marshall H.S.
Site: 004, Holmgreen
Site: 005, Clark H.S.
Site: 006, Health Careers H.S.
Site: 007, Taft H.S.
Site: 013, Vocational Transition Program
Site: 016, OConnor H.S.
Site: 019, Warren H.S.
Site: 022, Stevens H.S.
Site: 023, Brandeis H.S.
Site: 024, Brennan H.S.
Site: 025, Harlan H.S
Site: 047, Stevenson M.S.
Site: 050, Stinson M.S.
Site: 051, Jordan M.S.
Site: 052, Connally M.S.
Site: 053, Rawlinson M.S.
Site: 054, Luna M.S.
Site: 055, Jefferson M.S.
Site: 056, Vale M.S.
Site: 057, Garcia M.S.
Site: 058, Briscoe M.S.
Site: 059, Folks M.S
Site: 060, Bernal M.S
Site: 104, Helotes E.S.
Site: 109, Locke Hill E.S.
Site: 130, Murnin E.S.
Site: 134, Braun Station E.S.
Site: 136, Northwest Crossing E.S.
Site: 141, Forester E.S.
Site: 143, Scobee E.S.
Site: 144, Galm E.S.
Site: 145, Elrod E.S.
Site: 148, Wanke E.S.
Site: 149, Thornton E.S.
Site: 151, Fernandez E.S.
Site: 152, Leon Springs E.S.
Site: 156, Christian Evers E.S.
Site: 157, Monroe May E.S.
Site: 161, Steubing E.S.
Site: 165, Carson E.S.
Site: 167, Raba E.S.
Site: 168, Lewis E.S.
Site: 170, Nichols E.S.
Site: 178, Aue E.S.
Site: 179, Scarborough E.S.
Site: 180, Beard E.S.
Site: 181, Blattman E.S.
Site: 182, Ott E.S.
Site: 183, Ward E.S.
Site: 186, Krueger E.S.
Site: 187, Langley E.S.
Site: 188, Hoffmann E.S.
Site: 191, Kuentz E.S
Site: 192, Behlau E.S.
Site: 193, Franklin E.S
Site: 195, Mireles E.S.
Site: 198, Henderson E.S.
Site: 223, Kallison E.S
Site: 224, Mora E.S
Site: 225, Lieck E.S.
Site: 226, Fields E.S
Site: 227, Boldt E.S
Site: 228, Cole E.S
Site: 230, McAndrew E.S
Site: 234, Ellison E.S
Site: 236, Los Reyes E.S.
Total Negative Account Balances:
(Please specify below in the comments if
you want to donate to a certain school)
Nicole and Tomeka will be withdrawing thefunds into a personal bank account. We
will then present NISD with a check for the FULL AMOUNT of funds raised.