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Scoobert's Dental Fund

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Everything happens for a reason they say, and this guy came into Katie's life for a big reason. Soon after his adoption Katie moved away from family and friends to pursue her dream career. With Scoobs by her side, she has been able to take on life without family. Scoobert is always by her side for long walks, puppacino from Starbucks and  keeping her safe and protected during her drives back home.
Over the past three years Scoobs has had issues with a bacterial desease attacking his teeth.  In an effort to control this desease, Scoobs has had eight of his top teeth removed. Although Kate has had vet insurance purchased three years ago, his recent surgery has been denied yet again. Although her vet has accepted a payment plan, the large amount of over $3000.00 will be a hardship along with continual vet visits and the antibacterial drugs she will need to keep him on. 
If you know Kate, you know how much her Scoobie means to her and to all of us. Please give what you can to help Scoobs and Kate with keeping Scoobs health in a good place. 

Katies Story:
I want to share a story to save other pet parents from a possible scam. I have had Healthy Paws Pet Insurance since July of 2013 (two months after Scooby was adopted). I have paid every month since totaling over TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS to them and I have NEVER filed a claim. Scooby has an autoimmune type disease that does not allow his body to fight the bacteria in his mouth which causes ulcers to grow all across the inside of his cheeks. He has lived in massive pain for years no matter what I have tried and it has been so heartbreaking for me to deal with. He has been under anesthesia FOUR times in two years to stitch up the ulcers, remove teeth, etc. This last time (one week ago today) he had to have ALL his top teeth removed and is still healing. He is still on pain medications and antibiotics. He still paces all night in frustration. After filing the claim they denied it as “dental” and even though I have called explaining this is NOT routine dental they refuse to do anything to help me. I cannot afford all of this. I am beyond upset at this scam and I will continue to post, call and fight for Scooby.


  • Mary Waite
    • $15
    • 6 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Deborah Siloac
Clemmons, NC
Kathryn Siloac

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