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Scot Matteson's Medical Bills

Spende geschützt
Hi everyone, Britany here. Our dad, Scot Matteson has been diagnosed with stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer. As many of you know, our dad has fought through most of his life to make sure we had an amazing one. He always has put our feelings and needs before his, and with everything he has done, it has made him an extraordinary dad. He raised us kids on his own for over 15 years and doesn't like asking for help, but truly we need it. Scot will be starting chemo therapy next week, every week for three months to potentially shrink the cancer. After the chemo therapy he will be doing a surgery to remove the cancer from his pancreas. Please donate for Scot Matteson's medical bills, it will greatly help us and will greatly help him. A father of four, and a friend to so many.
Love, Taylor, Britany, Brooke, & Arabella.


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Britany Matteson
Newport Beach, CA
Scot Matteson

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