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Scout Adventure of a Lifetime

Doação protegida

Angus has been given a chance to travel on an adventure to a place he has always dreamed of visiting: Iceland. He has been given this opportunity through the Boy Scouts of America organization and the World Scout organization.
The adventure is the 15th World Scout Moot -Iceland.
(July 25-Aug. 3, 2017)

Angus is currently a Life Scout and wishes to continue meeting other scouts in the world, and learning about conservation in all parts of the world.

The Iceland Moot gives him the opportunity to combine attending a fantastic international Scouting event with people from 80 countries, and exploring Iceland’s nature and culture as a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Angus is seeking help in funding this Lifetime opportunity through your generous support. He has worked hard in school and Scouts to earn this type of reward, and Angus' family would love some help funding/supporting this opportunity not just as a Lifetime opportunity, but also as an 18th Birthday/Graduation present for working so hard to be a good Scout and student,  and continuing his education in things he loves and is concerned with, including the environment and conservation.

Angus is also hoping to have one of his best friends, Austin, attend with him. The two have been friends for 10 years and have worked on several things together, including the Hiking Merit Badge, Austin' Eagle Project, and having a love of the Viking world and culture. Not only will he benefit from the opportunity to attend, but he will be able to return home with many ideas to help other scouts and people continue with conservation ideas.

Some Notes on the Moot
As an educational event of WOSM, the objectives of the Moot are for the participants to:

*Develop their understanding and experience of belonging to a world wide movement of Scouts.

*Be challenged by new perspectives of culture, origin, ideas, behaviour and experience.

*Experience the influence and power of nature and the environment on everyday life.

*Be challenged to think about their lifestyle and its impact on the environment and on their individual health.

*Think about their place as world citizens and the rights and responsibilities that go with it.

The program offered at the Moot will be organized to meet those educational objectives.

Having the opportunity to combine attending a fantastic international event with people from around 80 countries and exploring Iceland’s nature and culture is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Please consider making a donation to help Angus travel to the World Scout Moot this summer.

Thank you


JC Carter
West Valley City, UT

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