Marley’s Medical Bills
Marley was born February 2nd, 2011 during a snow storm. Marley came into my life when I was 23 and trying to figure out this world and living on my own. The past 10 years she’s been my best friend and by my side through all the ups and downs of life including when I lost my brother, Jacob. Marley has helped me through so much and now she needs my help, but there’s only so much I can do alone.
Here’s the progression of what has happened and what we’re dealing with. The only thing we know so far is that she has elevated levels in her liver.
Saturday May 1st; I went to feed Marley her dinner and she wouldn’t get up to eat, which is very unlike her. We waited about an hour and I put some fish oil on her food and then she became interested, she didn’t eat the rest of her food so I hand fed it to her.
Sunday, May 2nd; It’s breakfast time and she wouldn’t eat at all and then puked. We called the Emergency Vet and they told us to bring her in. They did some blood work and X-rays and said she was having liver issues. They sent her home with 5 different medications. That night I made a bland diet for her for dinner and she ate most of it on her own.
Monday, May 3rd; It’s breakfast time again and this time she got up and came to eat! She ate most of it and then came back an hour later to finish it. We got ahold of her regular vet like the Emergency Vet asked and we got her in at 3:40pm. Shortly after they recommended we take her up to University of Wisconsin in Madison. We brought her up to UW, they kept her over night to give her fluids, take more tests, and do an ultrasound.
Tuesday, May 4th; We’re waiting to hear back about what’s going on with her.
UW is estimating the cost will be $3,000-5,000 this is for the tests and possible extended stay. This doesn’t cover the 24 hours leading up to her being admitted into UW. If you don’t feel comfortable making a donation to GoFundMe, you can make a payment straight to Marley’s account at UW. If you’d like to do this instead, contact me to make sure you get the correct information.
Thank you so much and we appreciate all the help we can get. I would like to make a piece of art for everyone that donates, so if you donate and would like something please let me know and I’ll make you a surprise art piece that reminds me of you.