Sebastian's Fight with Osteosarcoma Bone Cancer
Donation protected
Hi Everyone,
I'm Patrycja Sawina, my brother Sebastian Sawina didn’t get to enjoy his 16th birthday the way he planned, when he found out he was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. A bone cancer in his right knee that we didn’t know would change everything. Sebastian had to stop playing all the sports he loved and doing the activities he enjoyed because he’s unfortunately too weak from his cancer. Sebastian is currently waiting for a surgery that could change all of this for him. His cancer has changed not only his life but all of ours, we’ve all been touched by the burdens that cancer brings to a family.
Our mom, Ewa, has had to cut her working hours in order to help Seba, which unfortunately has led to this disease consuming all her time and savings. At this point is time, my mom's main concern is making sure Sebastian survives the 30 rounds of chemotherapy and to have a very effective tumor removal surgery.
Our family is doing the best they minimize emotional stress for all of everyone, especially Sebastian. Not only have we all been impacted emotionally but financially. We can’t make the emotional pain go away, but with a lot of help finances could not be a big issue. We want to make this the best and simplest process for Sebastian to get him back up on his feet to being the fun, loving, energetic teenager he is. We want to make Sebastian’s main focus to be his recovery and health, without him worrying about the cost of anything.
Any form of contribution/ donation is greatly appreciated by Sebastian and our family, and will help all of us with any financial burden that could take away from Sebastian.
We do not consider any donation too small. Even if you are unable to donate, please consider sharing this story, and spreading the word!We want to use this fundraiser to help pay off any medical expenses that might come up for Sebastian. We don't want money to be a reason he can't get better. If anything please feel free to contact our mom at [phone redacted] or me as well at [phone redacted].
Stay Strong Seba!
--Po Polsku--
Moj brat Sebastian Sawina nie ochodzil swoich 16 urodzin tak jak planowal. Kilka dni wczesniej zdiagnozowano u Niego raka kosci w prawym kolanie (kostniakomiesak). Musial miedzy innymi zrezygnowac ze sportu, ktory tak kochal. Aby zając sie Sebastianem w czasie leczeniea nasza mama Ewa musiała częściowo zrezygnować z pracy. W tej chwili główną troską mojej mamy jest upewnienie się, żeby Sebastian przeszedł 30 sesji chemioterapii i operacja usunięcia guza i częściowo kości nie powiodla.
Od tamtej chwili zycie Sebastiana i naszej rodziny leglo w gruzach ...
Wszystkie nasze sily i dzialania zostaly skierowane tylko w jednym kierunku..zeby Sebastian wyzdrowial. Leczenie i rehabilitacja sa ogromnie kosztowne.
Nasza mama Ewa Panek robi wszystko co w Jej mocy aby Sebastian mial jak najlepsza opieke medyczna ale jest to bardzo bardzo trudne, tym bardziej, ze jest samotna matka trojki dzieci. Mojego brata czeka bardzo skomplikowana operacja a potem zmudna kosztowna rehabilitacja..dlatego tez zwracam sie do panstwa o pomoc dla Sebastiana, zeby nadal mogl cieszyc sie zyciem i spelniac swoje marzenia, ktorych przeciez w tym mlodym wieku ma tak wiele. Kazda , nawet najmniejsza kwota bedzie dla nas bezcenna. Z calego serca dziekuje w imieniu Sebastiana i naszej rodziny.
"Dobro wraca"
I'm Patrycja Sawina, my brother Sebastian Sawina didn’t get to enjoy his 16th birthday the way he planned, when he found out he was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. A bone cancer in his right knee that we didn’t know would change everything. Sebastian had to stop playing all the sports he loved and doing the activities he enjoyed because he’s unfortunately too weak from his cancer. Sebastian is currently waiting for a surgery that could change all of this for him. His cancer has changed not only his life but all of ours, we’ve all been touched by the burdens that cancer brings to a family.
Our mom, Ewa, has had to cut her working hours in order to help Seba, which unfortunately has led to this disease consuming all her time and savings. At this point is time, my mom's main concern is making sure Sebastian survives the 30 rounds of chemotherapy and to have a very effective tumor removal surgery.
Our family is doing the best they minimize emotional stress for all of everyone, especially Sebastian. Not only have we all been impacted emotionally but financially. We can’t make the emotional pain go away, but with a lot of help finances could not be a big issue. We want to make this the best and simplest process for Sebastian to get him back up on his feet to being the fun, loving, energetic teenager he is. We want to make Sebastian’s main focus to be his recovery and health, without him worrying about the cost of anything.
Any form of contribution/ donation is greatly appreciated by Sebastian and our family, and will help all of us with any financial burden that could take away from Sebastian.
We do not consider any donation too small. Even if you are unable to donate, please consider sharing this story, and spreading the word!We want to use this fundraiser to help pay off any medical expenses that might come up for Sebastian. We don't want money to be a reason he can't get better. If anything please feel free to contact our mom at [phone redacted] or me as well at [phone redacted].
Stay Strong Seba!
--Po Polsku--
Moj brat Sebastian Sawina nie ochodzil swoich 16 urodzin tak jak planowal. Kilka dni wczesniej zdiagnozowano u Niego raka kosci w prawym kolanie (kostniakomiesak). Musial miedzy innymi zrezygnowac ze sportu, ktory tak kochal. Aby zając sie Sebastianem w czasie leczeniea nasza mama Ewa musiała częściowo zrezygnować z pracy. W tej chwili główną troską mojej mamy jest upewnienie się, żeby Sebastian przeszedł 30 sesji chemioterapii i operacja usunięcia guza i częściowo kości nie powiodla.
Od tamtej chwili zycie Sebastiana i naszej rodziny leglo w gruzach ...
Wszystkie nasze sily i dzialania zostaly skierowane tylko w jednym kierunku..zeby Sebastian wyzdrowial. Leczenie i rehabilitacja sa ogromnie kosztowne.
Nasza mama Ewa Panek robi wszystko co w Jej mocy aby Sebastian mial jak najlepsza opieke medyczna ale jest to bardzo bardzo trudne, tym bardziej, ze jest samotna matka trojki dzieci. Mojego brata czeka bardzo skomplikowana operacja a potem zmudna kosztowna rehabilitacja..dlatego tez zwracam sie do panstwa o pomoc dla Sebastiana, zeby nadal mogl cieszyc sie zyciem i spelniac swoje marzenia, ktorych przeciez w tym mlodym wieku ma tak wiele. Kazda , nawet najmniejsza kwota bedzie dla nas bezcenna. Z calego serca dziekuje w imieniu Sebastiana i naszej rodziny.
"Dobro wraca"
Organizer and beneficiary
Patrycja Sawina
Addison, IL
Ewa Panek