Second ambulance to help rescue British wildlife
This fundraiser is currently on hold as we focus on raising funds to secure the future of the charity. If we cannot raise enough money to buy land or find a property with a long-term lease, there is the very realistic danger that Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue will cease to exist. Please see our main GoFundMe to donate and help save this awarding-winning wildlife rescue service.
Help us help our precious wildlife! Demand for our 24hr wildlife rescue service is growing so quickly that we need a second van to enable us to reach patients as fast as possible to give them the best chance of survival. Here at Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue, we take in c. 3000 animals per year and are the only resource in c.1500 square miles equipt to deal with large mammals such as deer.
Covering Oxfordshire and much of Berkshire, OWR is a wildlife conservation charity dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of sick, injured or orphaned British Wildlife. We rescue thousands of animals per year, from voles and frogs to foxes, owls and deer, most of which are found by concerned members of the public who call on us to help when they find an injured or sick animal. We receive no government aid and are funded solely by public donations.
All monies raised will be ring-fenced for a second amubulance, unless you tell us otherwise
Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue