Securing farming land, starting a flower farm
Donation protected
Le texte en français se trouve en bas.
Thi sis my farm in the Southern France. My vision for these fields is to cultivate flowers. Cutflower farming and buying of seasonal local flowers, the slow flower movement, is becoming popular all over the world and also in France. I believe in my dream and want to realise this project on this land. But I have a problem.
Some time ago I lost my partner of 15 years. We had great plans together to cultivate land and found and bought this farm together. Unfortunately his long illness hindered those plans. Today I would like to honour his memory and fulfill our long lasting dream and go ahead with our plans but now I come up against a big problem : my partner's children want their part of the estate immediately. This forces me to sell the farm.
So I am seaking for the support of this community to help me buy my freedom to use this land and start cultivating this year. I have most of the material needed to start. The amount I fixed here is what I need to stop the selling of the farm but of course I am not just counting on this fundraiser. I am looking for things to sell, my work outside of the house and negociating to get a loan to collect the amount needed.
If it should still be necessary to sell the house I would use the money collected to help me relocate and to find other fields to cultivate. I will of course have my share of the sale but sales commission, moving, legal fees etc. will take a big portion of it. And finding free land to cultivate is becoming more and more difficult here. So I am really hoping to be able to stay on this farm. And let us not forget the sentimental value of this place to me, having been the place we lived our last years together with my partner.
I thank everyone who contributes to this fundraiser, talks about it in their social media or sends me good vibes and support. I will be keeping you updated on what goes on with the farm.
Brièvement en français : nous avons acheté notre ferme il y a quelques années en vue de cultiver la terre mais malheureusement mon compagnon est tombé malade et a fini par nous quitter il y a plusieurs mois. Pour honnorer sa mémoire et réaliser la rêve de ma vie j'aimerais pourtant continuer notre projet, épaulé par des amis et cultiver des fleurs coupés sur ce terrain. Pour faire cela il me faut une somme assez importante pour pouvoir compenser les héritiers de mon compagnon et de pouvoir disposer des terres. En vue de récolter la somme nécessaire je ne compte pas uniquement sur cette gagnotte mais cherche aussi à vendre certains biens, négocier un prêt, travaillé en dehord de la maison, bref tout ce que je pourrais faire dans ma situation.
Je remercie quiconque qui pourra apporter une petite contribution à cette cause ou faire connaître ma situation. Je vous tiendrai au courant de la suite des évenements.
With my gratitude, avec mes remerciements,
Airi-Karina Savelius
Thi sis my farm in the Southern France. My vision for these fields is to cultivate flowers. Cutflower farming and buying of seasonal local flowers, the slow flower movement, is becoming popular all over the world and also in France. I believe in my dream and want to realise this project on this land. But I have a problem.
Some time ago I lost my partner of 15 years. We had great plans together to cultivate land and found and bought this farm together. Unfortunately his long illness hindered those plans. Today I would like to honour his memory and fulfill our long lasting dream and go ahead with our plans but now I come up against a big problem : my partner's children want their part of the estate immediately. This forces me to sell the farm.
So I am seaking for the support of this community to help me buy my freedom to use this land and start cultivating this year. I have most of the material needed to start. The amount I fixed here is what I need to stop the selling of the farm but of course I am not just counting on this fundraiser. I am looking for things to sell, my work outside of the house and negociating to get a loan to collect the amount needed.
If it should still be necessary to sell the house I would use the money collected to help me relocate and to find other fields to cultivate. I will of course have my share of the sale but sales commission, moving, legal fees etc. will take a big portion of it. And finding free land to cultivate is becoming more and more difficult here. So I am really hoping to be able to stay on this farm. And let us not forget the sentimental value of this place to me, having been the place we lived our last years together with my partner.
I thank everyone who contributes to this fundraiser, talks about it in their social media or sends me good vibes and support. I will be keeping you updated on what goes on with the farm.
Brièvement en français : nous avons acheté notre ferme il y a quelques années en vue de cultiver la terre mais malheureusement mon compagnon est tombé malade et a fini par nous quitter il y a plusieurs mois. Pour honnorer sa mémoire et réaliser la rêve de ma vie j'aimerais pourtant continuer notre projet, épaulé par des amis et cultiver des fleurs coupés sur ce terrain. Pour faire cela il me faut une somme assez importante pour pouvoir compenser les héritiers de mon compagnon et de pouvoir disposer des terres. En vue de récolter la somme nécessaire je ne compte pas uniquement sur cette gagnotte mais cherche aussi à vendre certains biens, négocier un prêt, travaillé en dehord de la maison, bref tout ce que je pourrais faire dans ma situation.
Je remercie quiconque qui pourra apporter une petite contribution à cette cause ou faire connaître ma situation. Je vous tiendrai au courant de la suite des évenements.
With my gratitude, avec mes remerciements,
Airi-Karina Savelius
Airi-Karina Savelius
Allègre-les-Fumades, A9