Securing Shelter in the Midst of Mourning
Tax deductible
Here at C&J Migrant Solutions, we are deeply saddened to learn that while many of us were enjoying some time off with family and friends celebrating the 4th of July, some of our clients who are in the process of becoming U.S. Citizens, were in the midst of a very difficult time.
Their brother ( and uncle) suddenly became ill and passed away within 3 days, last week. As the sole breadwinner for his family, who cannot speak much English and are not eligible to work in the United States yet, his 3 sisters and their daughters are left to navigate how they will be able to keep a roof over their heads and come up with money for rent, groceries, and other basic needs.
Our organization, as well as other community members, are working together to help these young women and their children continue to eat and have a safe place to live while navigating a very difficult and uncertain road ahead. We are asking all who care, and all who can, to please donate to help keep a roof over their heads so they can have time to mourn their tragic loss and figure out their next steps without fear of being kicked out of their home.
Please donate today. All of the funds collected in this fundraiser will go directly to the pictured family.

Candace Boykins
Landover, MD
C&J Migrant Solutions Foundation