The QR Memory Marker
Donation protected
Thank you for visiting the funding efforts for the QR Memory Marker. I am Michael Phillips, a video contractor and entrepreneur in Arizona and I am the founder of this start-up.
What is a QR Memory Marker?
I developed the concept almost a decade ago, just before my mother passed. It was my goal to create a person's memorial on a digital platform. In some way I envisioned a place that can be re-visited over and over, displaying a visual record and show the life of a passed friend or loved relative. In today's day and age, when visiting a funeral service, you'll most likely watch a slide show with music to honor that person's life...it has become quite common in our digital world. But I wanted to go a step further: I wanted to build a memorial of a person, alive or passed, that's more than a slide show...and additionally, I wanted it to be easy accessible, without any "googeling" and "internet search engines". For months I've tried different approaches and finally came across the QR code. The solution: pack the obituary and if desired or a person's wish, all of an individuals achievements and life high-lites into this small dotted square, then attach the QR code to a grave marker, an urn, a picture or a yearly remembrance card to honor that person's life! The QR code can then be scanned with any handheld device and the user is able to watch the stored information, from a simple slideshow to a mini-documentary on their screen. That was my idea...but then...life happened...I got busy with other projects and had to put the idea on the back burner.
Times have changed since my mother's passing and COVID certainly has changed many people's outlook on life and their possible passing as well. As unpredictable and unavoidable it is...we can still have a say so on how we want to be remembered: with the QR Memory Marker!
In honor of the sudden passing of a cherished friend of mine, I have decided to re-awaken my old idea and give this unique QR concept another try: its own identity and brand by creating a new start-up: The QR Memory Marker!
Sure...there are already memorial websites and legacy companies out there...but NO ONE has a digital "pathway" that can just be scanned with a smart device, that leads the user to the information a QR Memory Markers would provide! Be honest...do you know where your best friends, your fathers or mothers obituary is? Or...what do you see when you enter a cemetery? Names...dates...maybe an etched picture on the grave stone?...yes...and that's about it! Now imagine a small metal plaque with tiny dots somewhere on the headstone or grave marker. Just scan it with your phone's QR Reader App (FREE for any handheld device in their respective App store) and you'll be able to read that person's obituary right there...find out who they were and maybe even see the person's life and achievements in pictures. Some QR codes may be a simple obituaries only...some might be photo collages, telling a story, while some others may be as elaborate as mini-documentaries with narration and movie clips. Not only will you leave a legacy...your life story might inspire and uplift another person...might even change the way they are going to live their lives! Your QR Memory Marker can be a driving force for the future...for anyone that watches it...just imagine!
Of course, a start-up needs funding. There are marketing costs, compensation for writers, visual artists, retainer fees for legal representation, printing, advertising, marketing and general operational costs in the neighborhood of 100K for the first year that have to be covered. Please consider to be one of the first ones to become part of this new and unique concept and emerge as a monetary donor.
But wait...there is more: every donor will also be rewarded in a very special way: every $20.00 donation will receive a ONE YEAR COMPLIMENTARY personal QR Memory Marker place-holder with the name of the donor and his/her photo on the www.QRMemoryMarkers.com website. When the person passes, that place holder will be updated for a nominal fee with an obituary or if selected at extra cost with a life-time-video! Higher donation amounts will receive even better "perks"! Donations of $100.00 will receive a up to fifteen minute "remember when" photo collage. Donations of $200.00 will receive a up to 15 minute photo collage with their own narration (supplied by the donor). Donations of $500.00 will receive a mix of film, video and still pictures of a person's life up to 15 minutes, and donations of $1000.00 and more will receive a mix of film, video and still pictures of a person's life with additional narration and/or life interviews (supplied by the donor) playing up to 15 minutes.
But wait...there is more: every donor will also be rewarded in a very special way: every $20.00 donation will receive a ONE YEAR COMPLIMENTARY personal QR Memory Marker place-holder with the name of the donor and his/her photo on the www.QRMemoryMarkers.com website. When the person passes, that place holder will be updated for a nominal fee with an obituary or if selected at extra cost with a life-time-video! Higher donation amounts will receive even better "perks"! Donations of $100.00 will receive a up to fifteen minute "remember when" photo collage. Donations of $200.00 will receive a up to 15 minute photo collage with their own narration (supplied by the donor). Donations of $500.00 will receive a mix of film, video and still pictures of a person's life up to 15 minutes, and donations of $1000.00 and more will receive a mix of film, video and still pictures of a person's life with additional narration and/or life interviews (supplied by the donor) playing up to 15 minutes.
Please visit our website to get a deeper understanding of the available options and the importance of this one of a kind start-up business model.
Thank you for your support.
Michael Phillips
Buckeye, AZ