Our World of Nanuuq
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Polar bears are a threatened species due to climate change and diminished sea ice. The loss of sea ice means the loss of hunting grounds for the bears in search of their prey: seals. There are 19 polar bear populations in the world—two of which are in the US; these are shared populations with Russia - the Chukchi Sea population - and the Beaufort Sea population shared with Canada. In Alaska there are 15 polar bear hunting communities along the coastline. These communities and the hunters are crucial in the future preservation of the Alaskan polar bear populations. One way that data on polar bear populations is gathered is through subsistence hunters and the harvest reports that they submit. This project is about highlighting the important role that harvest data and observations from the hunters about migration patterns plays in informing scientists about the health and safety of the polar bears. Through this project, we will create an online education program around visual story maps from each of the 15 polar bear communities. These maps and curriculum will aim to share the science as well as focus on the significance of the polar bear in Inupiaq and St. Lawrence Island Yupik culture and how these communities are tied together by being polar bear communities! Beyond being used in the polar bear communities the program will be offered to all Alaskan schools as well as schools across the US once live in 2021. One of the goals is to highlight the importance of subsistence hunting in polar bear conservation, and for the hunters to know and OWN this! The project is call “Our World of Nanuuq." The project is in the beginning phases, and some of our team members are heading out on dog teams to travel up the Alaskan coast gathering visuals for the programming, which we aim to have out during the summer or fall. Thank you for your support!
Mille Porsild
Anchorage, AK
GoNorth! Adventure Learning