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Self-help suicide prevention app

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I want to create the first self-help app for mobile devices to prevent suicides. To do this I need your help.

I'm a scientist that has been working in the field of suicide prevention for over (3) decades. I have developed a procedure that is tested, quick, and endorsed. The (5) minute procedure, that has already been in use for over a decade, is now ready to be adapted into a mobile app format.

Your financial assistance will make this app for mobile devices a reality in 2017.

It is estimated that over 3,000 people commit suicide, and 72,000 attempted suicides, each day around the globe.

Help make this grassroots global impact movement a reality by making a contribution to the future of suicide prevention.

Every life matters!

Thank you.

'4 Phase' mental health breakthrough: The 5 New Rules of the Mind

Scientist in human behavior modification: Matthew D Dovel


Matthew Dovel
Henderson, NV

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