Help Semaj Succeed
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My name is Semaj Clark. Growing up I was dealt a bad hand. I was born to a teenage drug addict who was a prostitute in a housing project in Watts, CA. I never knew my father. I was abused in foster care where I spent my childhood. I dropped out of high school at 14 years old and ran with hoodlums, compiling a long rap sheet that began with an arrest for burglary, which led to me cycling in and out of detention centers for petty crimes. I came close to losing my life via gunfire at age 14, which made me think about my future.
I joined a young black male empowerment group, which helped me build self-confidence. Through my involvement with this organization, I found myself around positive mentors and role models for the first time. I became a youth advocate and community organizer and had the opportunity to speak to educators, legislators, and community leaders.
On October 9, 2015, I was invited to Savannah Georgia from Los Angeles California to speak at a Juvenile Justice Forum on “Community Safety.” After the event, a couple of teenagers attempted to rob me. As I started to run, I was shot 3 times, two bullets hit my arm and one to th hit my spine which left me paralyzed from my chest down.
I have overcome the physical and emotional challenges of my current condition to move forward. I recently enrolled at Armstrong State University in Savannah where I am majoring in Law and Society and Communication. I hope to intensify my anti-violence advocacy through various multi-media outlets. One way in which I have attempted to do this is by starting the program F.I.R.E., which stands for Forgiveness Introspection Respect and Education.
I decided to come back to the place where I was shot (Savannah) because I believe that it is important to run to the fire instead of away from it. I am currently seeking help for 3 things:
1) Help purchasing a new wheelchair because the one I currently have is broken
2) Help with tuition costs because I am a currently enrolled as an out-of- state student
3) Help with medical supplies and expenses.
Thank you for your generous support!
I joined a young black male empowerment group, which helped me build self-confidence. Through my involvement with this organization, I found myself around positive mentors and role models for the first time. I became a youth advocate and community organizer and had the opportunity to speak to educators, legislators, and community leaders.
On October 9, 2015, I was invited to Savannah Georgia from Los Angeles California to speak at a Juvenile Justice Forum on “Community Safety.” After the event, a couple of teenagers attempted to rob me. As I started to run, I was shot 3 times, two bullets hit my arm and one to th hit my spine which left me paralyzed from my chest down.
I have overcome the physical and emotional challenges of my current condition to move forward. I recently enrolled at Armstrong State University in Savannah where I am majoring in Law and Society and Communication. I hope to intensify my anti-violence advocacy through various multi-media outlets. One way in which I have attempted to do this is by starting the program F.I.R.E., which stands for Forgiveness Introspection Respect and Education.
I decided to come back to the place where I was shot (Savannah) because I believe that it is important to run to the fire instead of away from it. I am currently seeking help for 3 things:
1) Help purchasing a new wheelchair because the one I currently have is broken
2) Help with tuition costs because I am a currently enrolled as an out-of- state student
3) Help with medical supplies and expenses.
Thank you for your generous support!
Semaj Clark
Savannah, GA