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Send Kevin to Worlds in Turkey

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On April 7, 2018 Kevin competed in the Untied States Armwrestling  Federation National Championships, in South Bend, IN.  Kevin took the US National title left hand, and took 2nd right handed, qualifying him both arms for the World Armwrestling Championships that will be held in Antalya, Turkey  October 13 - 21 2018.  Kevin has worked for 16 years to accomplish his goal of taking the Heavy Weight US National title, and then competing in the World Tournament.  6 years ago Kevin underwent back surgery and was told that he would never compete again.  Against all odds, he has worked very hard to overcome his injuries for this opportunity.  Please support Kevin and I to travel to Turkey and finish fulfilling his dream of competing in the World Championships.  Our expenses will be approximately $5200.  Here is a breakdown of our expenses we expect if you are interested:

$3000 - Airfare
$1600 - Room and Board
$600 - Gear, transportation, competition fees, and other misc expenses

I'm so proud of Kevin and all he has accomplished.  We sincerely appreciate any and all help we can get.


  • Barbies Puppies
    • $1,400 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $200 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs


Vanessa Smith Buetts
Pocatello, ID

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